Qatar committee begins disbursing cash aid to needy Gaza families
اللجنة القطرية لإعادة إعمار غزة تبدأ صرف المنحة المالية للأسر المتعففة
QNA – Gaza
HE the Chairman of the Qatar Committee for the Reconstruction of Gaza, ambassador Mohamed al-Emadi, said that the committee, in co-operation and co-ordination with Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD) began yesterday the process of disbursing cash assistance to 100,000 families in need in the Gaza Strip.
Ambassador al-Emadi said that the disbursement process is being implemented through the post offices in the governorates of the Gaza Strip, with each family receiving US$100.
The distribution is being carried out in co-operation with competent government bodies and adhering to all the precautionary measures aimed at preventing the spread of Covid-19.
Al-Emadi said that the distribution process will continue through Wednesday, and it is being carried out under full supervision of the Qatari committee and its teams deployed in the distribution centres.
Rain expected in western parts of Qatar today: Met department
Thundery rain is expected in the western parts of the country along with sudden strong winds by this afternoon, the Qatar Met department has said.
There is no warning for offshore areas today.
The detailed forecast says it will be hazy in some places at first, followed by hot daytime conditions and some clouds. There is a chance of rain in the western areas by the afternoon, which may become thundery at times.
The wind speed will be 6-16 knots today and may go up to 26 knots during thundery rain.
Hazy conditions are expected at times in offshore areas along with some clouds.
The maximum temperature is expected to be 45C in Abu Samra today, followed by 41C in Doha, 40C in Wakra, Al Khor, Mesaieed and Dukhan, and 38C in Ruwais.
غزة – قنا:
أكد سعادة السفير محمد العمادي، رئيس اللجنة القطرية لإعادة إعمار غزة، أن اللجنة وبالتعاون مع صندوق قطر للتنمية، ستبدأ عملية صرف المساعدات النقدية للأسر المتعففة في قطاع غزة بعد غد السبت .
وأوضح السفير العمادي أن عملية الصرف ستتم عبر مكاتب البريد في محافظات قطاع غزة لـ 100 ألف أسرة، بواقع 100 دولار للأسرة الواحدة، مبينا أن عملية التوزيع ستستمر حتى يوم الأربعاء المقبل.
وبين سعادته أن عملية الصرف ستتم بالتعاون مع الجهات الحكومية المختصة، وضمن معايير السلامة للمستفيدين والمحافظة على مسافات كافية بينهم، وذلك ضمن الإجراءات الوقائية المتبعة لمواجهة تفشي فيروس (كورونا).