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US blacklists Israeli firm behind Pegasus spyware

أمريكا تدرج شركة “بيغاسوس” الإسرائيلية على القائمة السوداء


The Biden administration announced Wednesday it is putting new export limits on Israel’s NSO Group, the world’s most infamous hacker-for-hire company, saying its tools have been used to “conduct transnational repression.”

The U.S. Commerce Department said NSO Group and three other firms are being added to the “entity list,” which limits their access to U.S. components and technology by requiring government permission for exports. The department said putting these companies on the entity list was part of the Biden administration’s efforts to promote human rights in U.S. foreign policy. 

“The United States is committed to aggressively using export controls to hold companies accountable that develop, traffic, or use technologies to conduct malicious activities that threaten the cybersecurity of members of civil society, dissidents, government officials, and organizations here and abroad,” U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo said in a statement. 

The announcement was another blow to the NSO Group, which was the focus of reports by a media consortium earlier this year that found the company’s spyware tool Pegasus was used in several instances of successful or attempted phone hacks of business executives, human rights activists and others around the world.

Pegasus infiltrates phones to vacuum up personal and location data and surreptitiously controls the smartphone’s microphones and cameras. Researchers have found several examples of NSO Group tools using so-called “zero click” exploits that infect targeted mobile phones without any user interaction.

Tech giant Facebook is currently suing NSO Group in U.S. federal court for allegedly targeting some 1,400 users of its encrypted messaging service WhatsApp with highly sophisticated spyware.

A spokesman for the company did not immediately return a request for comment. NSO Group has hired prominent former U.S. officials and public relations firms to help bolster its image in recent years.

Stewart Baker, a cybersecurity lawyer and former general counsel at the National Security Agency, said it remains to be seen how big an impact Wednesday’s announcement will have on the NSO Group’s long-term health. He said the Commerce Department will have significant discretion in how it handles licensing requests related to the NSO Group, and could face pressure from U.S. exporters and the Israeli government. 

“We could see a situation in which the sanction has been granted and it has a great symbolic significance and some practical significance for NSO, but certainly isn’t a death penalty and may over time just be really aggravating,” he said. 

Another Israeli spyware company, Candiru, was also added to the entity list. In July, Microsoft said it had blocked tools developed by Candiru that were used to spy on more than 100 people around the world, including politicians, human rights activists, journalists, academics and political dissidents.

A prominent Russian firm, Positive Technologies, and the Singapore-based Computer Security Initiative Consultancy were also placed on the list for trafficking in “cyber tools used to gain unauthorized access” to IT systems, the department said. The Treasury Department put sanctions on Positive Technology, which has a broad international footprint and partnerships with such IT heavyweights as Microsoft and IBM, earlier this year. 


أدرجت الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، شركة NSO المصنعة لبرنامج “بيغاسوس” للتجسس على القائمة السوداء، “لتصرفها بما يتعارض مع السياسة الخارجية ومصالح الأمن القومي للولايات المتحدة”.

وقالت وزارة التجارة في بيان إنها “أدرجت NSO وشركة كانديرو الإسرائيليتين، على القائمة السوداء لأن لديها سببا للاعتقاد، بناء على حقائق محددة ومفصلة، أن الكيان متورط أو تورط، في أنشطة تتعارض مع الأمن القومي أو مصالح السياسة الخارجية للولايات المتحدة”. 

وأشارت إلى أن “هذه الأدوات مكنت حكومات أجنبية من ممارسة قمع عابر للحدود، وهو ممارسة الحكومات الاستبدادية التي تستهدف معارضين وصحافيين وناشطين خارج حدودها السيادية لإسكاتهم”.

وأوضحت الوزارة أن “هذا الإجراء جزء من جهود إدارة الرئيس جو بايدن لوضع حقوق الإنسان في صميم السياسة الخارجية للولايات المتحدة، من خلال العمل على وقف انتشار الأدوات الرقمية المستخدمة في القمع”، مبيّنةً أن “هذه الخطوة تهدف إلى مكافحة التهديدات السيبرانية وتخفيف المراقبة غير القانونية”.

وهذا الإجراء يعني أنه سيتم منع NSO من شراء قطع غيار ومكونات من الشركات الأمريكية دون ترخيص خاص، ويضع قيودا على بيع برامج الشركة على مستوى العالم، بما في ذلك في الولايات المتحدة.

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