WOQOD alerts against fake message
وقود تحذر من رسائل احتيال على مواقع التواصل
Doha: In a message posted on Twitter, Qatar Fuel (WOQOD) alerted its customers against false message spreading in social media regarding distribution of prizes on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. In the same post, WOQOD clarified that these messages are ‘completely untrue’.
“Qatar Fuel (WOQOD) would like to draw your attention to the spread of fraudulent messages through social media, falsely claiming that WOQOD is distributing prizes on the occasion of its 50th anniversary, which is completely untrue,” WOQOD said in the tweet.
It also warned its customers against being deceived by these messages. It also advised to delete these messages as soon as they are received.
Furthermore, WOQOD also urged everyone “not to click on any links in such messages because this might lead to the possibility of the hacking of their devices.”
الدوحة: حذرت شركة قطر للوقود (وقود) من انتشار رسائل احتيال من خلال وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي تدعي كذبا بأنها تقوم بتوزيع جوائز بمناسبة احتفالها بمرور خمسين عاما على تأسيسها، وهو أمر عار عن الصحه جملة وتفصيلا.
وحذرت الشركة – عبر حسابها الرسمي على تويتر – العملاء من الانخداع بهذه الرسائل، وحذفها بمجرد وصولها إليهم، مع عدم الضغط على أية روابط فيها لأن ذلك فد يؤدي إلى اختراق أجهزتهم.