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World’s oldest man has passed away at the age of 112

وفاة أكبر رجل معمّر في العالم عن عمر 112 عاما

The world’s oldest man has died at the age of 112.

Bob Weighton, from Alton, Hampshire, became the oldest man in February following the death of Chitetsu Watanabe of Japan, who was also 112.

In a statement his family said Mr Weighton was an “extraordinary man” who “died peacefully in his sleep, from cancer” on Thursday morning at the flat where he lived.

He was born in Hull, East Yorkshire, on 29 March 1908.

The family statement said: “Bob was an extraordinary man, and to the family not really because of the amazing age he reached.

“A role model to us all, he lived his life interested in and engaged with all kinds of people from across the world.

“He viewed everyone as his brother or sister and believed in loving and accepting and caring for one another.

“He had many, many friendships and read and talked politics, theology, ecology and more right up until his death.

“He also cared greatly for the environment.

“The second bedroom in his flat was a workshop, filled with furniture, windmills and puzzles he made and sold in aid of charity, often from bits of wood pulled from skips.

“We are so grateful that until the very end Bob remained our witty, kind, knowledgeable, conversationalist father, grandfather and great grandfather, and we will miss him greatly.”

Mr Weighton celebrated his last birthday behind closed doors because of the Covid-19 lockdown.

He described how the “world is in a bit of a mess” with the crisis.

He declined a birthday card from the Queen, saying he did not want one at the taxpayers’ expense and he had received at least 10 from her already.

During his lifetime Mr Weighton worked as an engineer, spending time in Taiwan, Japan and Canada.

He previously told the BBC: “I think laughter is extremely important.

“Most of the trouble in the world is caused by people taking themselves too seriously.”

He said the secret to his longevity was “to avoid dying”.

Mr Weighton was born on the same day as Britain’s oldest woman Joan Hocquard, from Poole, Dorset, and also that of Alf Smith from St Madoes, Perthshire, Scotland, who shared the title of Britain’s oldest man until his death last year.

He is survived by his children David and Dorothy, 10 grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren.

source: bbc


توفي، الخميس، أكبر معمر في العالم، البريطاني بوب وايتون، عن عمر 112 عاما بمرض السرطان، بحسب ما أعلنت عائلته.

وحصل وايتون، المعلم والمهندس السابق، على هذا اللقب في فبراير الماضي، بعد وفاة الياباني شيتيتسو واتانابي.

ونقلت صحيفة الغارديان المحلية، من بيان صادر عن عائلته قولها: “بحزن شديد، تعلن عائلة وايتون، وفاة غاليها بوب ويثون، الذي رحل بسلام أثناء نومه، بسبب مرض السرطان، صباح الخميس 28 مايو 2020، في شقته في ألتون، هامبشاير، حيث كان يعيش بمفرده هناك”.

وأقيم آخر احتفال بعيد ميلاد وايتون، في 29 مارس الماضي داخل الحجر المنزلي، بعد الحظر الذي فرض بسبب فيروس كورونا، ووصف في ذلك الاحتفال العالم بأنه في حالة من الفوضى بسبب الأزمة.

ولد وايتون، في يوركشاير، في 29 مارس 1908، وكان لديه ثلاثة أبناء، يعيش منهم اثنان فقط الآن، كما له 10 أحفاد و25 من أبناء الأحفاد.

ويشار إلى أن أكبر شخص معمر في العالم اليوم هي اليابانية “كانه تاكانا” عن عمر 117 عاما.

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