Qatargas takes the lead in use of recycled water at refineries
إنجاز محطة لإعادة تدوير المياه في مصفاة «لفان2»
Qatargas Operating Company Limited (Qatargas) announced on Tuesday the successful handover of a new water recycling facility at the Laffan Refinery 2 (LR2) to reduce water consumption and eliminate the discharge of treated industrial water to the sea.
Qatargas said 70% of the recycled water will be used as boiler feed and cooling water in the Laffan refineries, the remaining 30% is sent to Ras Laffan Industrial City (RLIC) for irrigation purposes.
“This project is further evidence of Qatargas’ commitment to meet the highest environmental and quality standards and the company’s continued efforts to contribute to the Qatar National Vision 2030 objectives to protect the environment and promote a sustainable development for future generations,” the company said in a statement.
Qatargas awarded the engineering, procurement, supply, construction, and commissioning of the new water recycling facility to Qatar Kentz in September 2015.
Located in RLIC, the facility will handle the treated industrial water from Laffan Refinery and LR2. The facility was constructed and delivered under budget and with zero lost-time incidents, marking another achievement for the company.
Acknowledging the crucial role the LNG industry has to play in advancing the Qatar National Vision 2030 objective of sustainable water use, the water recycling facility is a key project demonstrating the company’s commitment of being environmentally-conscious and compliant.
أعلنت شركة قطرغاز للتشغيل المحدودة «قطرغاز»، أمس، عن تسليم محطة جديدة لإعادة تدوير المياه بنجاح في مصفاة «لفان2»، للحد من استهلاك المياه، ومنع تسرب المياه الصناعية المعالجة إلى البحر، حيث سيتم استخدام %70 من المياه المعاد تدويرها في تغذية المراجل وتبريد المياه في مصافي لفان، وإرسال الـ %30 المتبقية إلى مدينة راس لفان الصناعية، من أجل أغراض الري.;