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💉 Health

PHCC Launches Bowel Cancer Screening Awareness Campaign

الرعاية الأولية تطلق حملة للتشجيع على الكشف المبكر عن سرطان الأمعاء


Doha: In parallel with the Bowel Cancer Awareness Campaigns that are celebrated every March of each year, the Primary Health Care Corporation (PHCC), through the Screen for Life Program, has launched an awareness campaign on the screening of bowel cancer which is one of the most common cancers among women and men in Qatar.

The Breast and Bowel Cancer Screening Program also known as ‘Screen for Life’ is a lifesaving, population-based program that aims to promote education, awareness and early detection of breast and bowel cancer in Qatar. The program is being conducted under Qatar’s National Cancer Program and in accordance with the country’s National Health Strategy 2011-2016, which represents a shift towards preventive and community-based care. Therefore, on a yearly basis, the program launches a nationwide campaign to raise awareness about bowel cancer and the importance of screening.

The month-long campaign is aimed at educating the public about the importance of early detection of bowel cancer and promoting getting screened with a free bowel test which is known as the Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT test) offered to all women and men in Qatar aged between 50-74 years, showing no symptoms related to bowel cancer and who did not have bowel cancer screening done in the last two years or any colonoscopy within the last 10 years to do the bowel cancer screening.
Bowel cancer screening test (FIT test) is a home screening test in which the participant takes 3 stool samples over one week and submits them afterward to the nearest health center. Bowel cancer screening service is accessible either through a face-to-face consultation or a phone consultation. Either way, the process starts by confirming the participants’ details and eligibility criteria with the cancer screening team. Then, the team will guide the participant on how to perform the test at home. It is worth mentioning that the home delivery service was reactivated recently after the acceptance shown during its initial activation during Covid 19 pandemic. This service is particularly available to those who have previously completed their screenings, including the elderly, people with special requirements, and those who cannot attend in person due to far distance.

This year, the campaign launched under the title “Preventable, Treatable, Curable” is a reminder to all the women and men in Qatar about the importance of screening, through which bowel cancer can be detected at an early stage. When detected at an early stage, bowel cancer is treatable and the chances of getting cured reach up to 90 percent. The key to the prevention of bowel cancer is through a healthy lifestyle and periodic screening which is done through Screen For life program.

Throughout March, the ‘Screen for Life’ team will be actively doing different activities, starting from lectures and workshops, as well as a digital media campaign which includes the launch of a social media competition on PHCC’s Instagram account. In addition to this, Screen for Life, through PHCC will be collaborating with its program ambassadors and social media influencers to promote bowel cancer awareness and the importance of screening.

“Our slogan “preventable, treatable, curable” is to remind all women and men, 50 years and above, to do their routine screening even if they don’t have any symptoms. Let us not forget, bowel cancer is among cancer with the highest prevalence in Qatar, however; when detected at early stages, recovery rate can reach 90 percent and above,” said Dr. Shaikha Abu Shaikha, Director of the screening programs at the Primary Health Care Corporation.

The Breast and Bowel cancer screening suites are available in four different health centers across Qatar: Al Wakrah, Rawdat Al Khail, Muaither and Laibeib. All these clinics are fully equipped with the highest technology and well-trained professional team.


الدوحة: أطلقت مؤسسة الرعاية الصحية الأولية حملة للتشجيع على الكشف المبكر عن سرطان الأمعاء، الذي يعد من أكثر أنواع السرطانات انتشارا بين النساء والرجال في دولة قطر.

وتأتي هذه الخطوة ضمن فعاليات البرنامج الوطني للكشف المبكر عن سرطان الثدي والأمعاء بالتزامن مع شهر التوعية بسرطان الأمعاء، الذي يتم الاحتفال به في شهر مارس من كل عام.

وقالت الدكتورة شيخة أبو شيخة مديرة البرنامج الوطني للكشف المبكر عن سرطان الثدي والأمعاء، في تصريح صحفي اليوم: إن الحملة التي تستمر طيلة شهر مارس الجاري، تهدف إلى تثقيف الجمهور بأهمية الكشف المبكر عن سرطان الأمعاء والتشجيع على إجرائه، حيث تتوفر الخدمة مجانا للأشخاص الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين 50 و74 عاما من الجنسين، ولا تظهر عليهم أي أعراض متعلقة بسرطان الأمعاء ولم يخضعوا للكشف المبكر للأمعاء في العامين الماضيين أو أي تنظير للقولون خلال السنوات العشر الماضية.

وأوضحت أن فحص القولون يتم عبر إجراء فحص البراز المناعي الكيميائي، وهو فحص يجرى عمله في المنزل عبر جمع 3 عينات من البراز على مدار أسبوع، ومن ثم تسليمها إلى أقرب مركز صحي، حيث تتوفر خدمة الفحص، إما من خلال القيام بزيارة العيادة أو من خلال الاستشارة الهاتفية.

وأطلقت حملة الكشف المبكر لسرطان الأمعاء تحت شعار “وقاية.. علاج.. شفاء”، وذلك للتذكير بأهمية الكشف المبكر الذي يزيد فرص اكتشاف المرض في مراحله الأولى، مما يسهل علاجه والشفاء منه، حيث تصل نسبة الشفاء في حال اكتشاف المرض مبكرا إلى 90 بالمئة.

ويمكن الحصول على خدمة الكشف المبكر عن طريق تلقي دعوة من مركز الاتصال الخاص بالبرنامج الوطني للكشف المبكر عن سرطان الثدي والأمعاء، أو عن طريق تحويل من طبيب الأسرة، أو بالاتصال شخصيا بمركز الاتصال التابع للبرنامج، حيث تتوفر عيادات للكشف المبكر في كل من مراكز الوكرة وروضة الخيل ومعيذر ولعبيب.

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