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World Health Organization: Significant Decrease in Covid-19 Deaths Rate

World Health Organization: Significant Decrease in Covid-19 Deaths Rate

منظمة الصحة العالمية تعلن عن انخفاض ملحوظ في معدلات الوفيات بكورونا
No need for masks inside malls; Qatar eases Covid-19 restrictions

No need for masks inside malls; Qatar eases Covid-19 restrictions

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Wearing Masks Optional for All Students Starting April 3: MoEHE

Wearing Masks Optional for All Students Starting April 3: MoEHE

السماح لجميع الطلبة بعدم ارتداء الكمامة اعتبارا من 3 إبريل المقبل
MOPH Approves Fourth COVID-19 Vaccine Dose for Individuals at High Risk of Severe Infection

MOPH Approves Fourth COVID-19 Vaccine Dose for Individuals at High Risk of Severe Infection

وزارة الصحة تقر الجرعة الرابعة ضد كوفيد-19 للأفراد الأكثر عرضة للعدوى الشديدة
MOPH Updates List of Countries Subject to COVID-19 Red Health Measures

MOPH Updates List of Countries Subject to COVID-19 Red Health Measures

وزارة الصحة تعلن عن تحديث قائمة الدول الحمراء على أساس مخاطر كوفيد-19
What is the story of MERS? .. And what is its relationship to Covid and camels?

What is the story of MERS? .. And what is its relationship to Covid and camels?

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Jordan Eases COVID-19 Restrictions as Ramadan Approaches

Jordan Eases COVID-19 Restrictions as Ramadan Approaches

الأردن يخفف القيود المفروضة بسبب كورونا مع قرب حلول شهر رمضان
Saudi Arabia Lifts All Covid-19 Restrictions

Saudi Arabia Lifts All Covid-19 Restrictions

السعودية ترفع جميع القيود المتعلقة بفيروس كورونا
The rise in Covid cases no cause for concern: UK Health Minister

The rise in Covid cases no cause for concern: UK Health Minister

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