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Real Madrid wants Robert Lewandowski

ليفاندوفسكي الهدف القادم لريال مدريد

According to Spanish outlet AS, Real Madrid is once again is tinkering with the idea of acquiring Bayern Munich striker Robert Lewandowski.

Lewandowski, of course, was linked heavily with Real Madrid just three years ago when a Pini Zahavi-led campaign ultimately flamed out and saw the Polish Hitman eventually extend his deal with the Bavarians.

With the recent rumors that Lewandowski might be looking for a new contract — and a new challenge — Real Madrid has crept back on to the scene:

Robert Lewandowski is a potential candidate for a summer move to Real Madrid with AS understanding that the striker is disposed to a change of club. The 32-year-old has spent six seasons with Bayern Munich and feels that the time has come to explore a new league and culture. His current deal with the Bundesliga runs through to 2023 and despite his desires, the German side have little interest in seeing him depart.

What we do know from three years ago is that Lewandowski has some affinity for the idea of playing for Los Blancos. We also know Real Madrid would love to make a big splash in the transfer market to get the world’s best player:

Lewandowski is seen as an ideal acquisition for Real Madrid should the attempt to secure Haaland flounder and the striker was poised to join the Bernabéu outfit back in 2014 with club president Florentino Perez having last minute thoughts which saw the move break down.

Lewandowski’s recent comments about wanting to learn a new language and experience a new culture have many clubs perking up their ears and checking their respective bank account to see if they can offer enough to bring in the 32-year-old:

Speaking recently to Canal +, the Polish striker’s comments, once again triggered speculation that a move could be on the cards this summer: “I still have an open mind and I feel good at Bayern, Munich is a wonderful city and it’s a massive club. I have, however always had curiosity to pick up a new language and experience a new culture but I don’t know if that is something that will happen during my playing career or later in life”.

Bayern Munich has repeatedly stated that the club will not sell Lewandowski, whose deal runs through 2023. It would not be shocking to see Lewandowski extend his deal with Bayern Munich at some point over the next six months, but as an aging player, the club will surely be looking to ensure it has its house in financial order given the high salary that Lewandowski would demand — and deserve.

كشفت تقارير صحفية عن وجود اهتمام كبير من جانب نادي ريال مدريد الاسباني لضم البولندي روبرت ليفاندوفسكي، مهاجم بايرن ميونخ، خلال موسم الانتقالات الصيفي.

ووفقًا لصحيفة “موندو ديبورتيفو” الإسبانية، فإن ليفاندوفسكي سيكون الهدف الرئيسي لدعم هجوم ريال مدريد، خاصة بعدما لم يستطع النادي الملكي التعاقد مع النرويجي إيرلينج هالاند، مهاجم بوروسيا دورتموند.

وأشار التقرير الى ان ليفاندوفسكي منفتح أيضًا على تغيير وجهته خلال الموسم المقبل، رغم أن عقده مع البافاري يمتد حتى صيف 2023.

وأوضحت أن العقبة التي ستواجه ريال مدريد في الصفقة أن اللاعب البولندي يحظى باهتمام أندية كبيرة أخرى مثل “باريس سان جيرمان ومانشستر سيتي ويونايتد وتشيلسي”.

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