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Salah: Liverpool forward wins PFA fans’ Player of the Year award

بتصويت الجماهير .. المصري صلاح أفضل لاعب في البريميرليغ 

News Agencies

The Egypt international has been adjudged as the best-performing player in the English top-flight by football supporters
Liverpool forward Mohamed Salah has been announced as the winner of 2020-21 Premier League PFA Fans’ Player of the Year.

The 28-year-old was again one of the stand-out performers for Jurgen Klopp’s men in the campaign, scoring 22 league goals and setting up five others.

His effort was, however, not enough to help the Reds win the league title after finishing third behind Manchester United and winners Manchester City.

Fans have, however, appreciated the attacker’s impressive showings and overwhelmingly voted him as their best-performing player of the campaign.

The fleet-footed forward bagged 31 goals across all competitions last season and provided six assists in 50 appearances.

Salah has been with Liverpool since the summer of 2017 when he teamed up with the side from AS Roma and has been delivering eye-catching performances.

The Egypt international has won the Premier League Golden Boot twice and the Player of the Season, among other individual accolades.

His contribution also ensured the Reds clinched the Champions League trophy and domestic league titles, which had eluded them for a number of years.

The winger has two years left on his current contract and has previously spoken of his desire to play in La Liga in the future.

Former Arsenal goalkeeper Rami Shaaban, has, however, advised him to remain at Anfield except Real Madrid or Barcelona bid to sign him.

“Liverpool fans love Salah, I want Salah to continue with the club even if he receives an offer from Paris Saint-Germain because the competition in England is stronger than in France,” Shaaban told OnTime Sport TV.

“The situation will be different in one case, which is if he receives an offer from a team in the Spanish League, and we’re talking here about Real Madrid or Barcelona.

“I wish Salah would’ve joined Arsenal before moving to Chelsea, Salah’s style suits Arsenal.”

The Egypt international has been adjudged as the best-performing player in the English top-flight by football supporters
Liverpool forward Mohamed Salah has been announced as the winner of 2020-21 Premier League PFA Fans’ Player of the Year.

The 28-year-old was again one of the stand-out performers for Jurgen Klopp’s men in the campaign, scoring 22 league goals and setting up five others.

His effort was, however, not enough to help the Reds win the league title after finishing third behind Manchester United and winners Manchester City.

The fleet-footed forward bagged 31 goals across all competitions last season and provided six assists in 50 appearances.

Salah has been with Liverpool since the summer of 2017 when he teamed up with the side from AS Roma and has been delivering eye-catching performances.

The Egypt international has won the Premier League Golden Boot twice and the Player of the Season, among other individual accolades.

His contribution also ensured the Reds clinched the Champions League trophy and domestic league titles, which had eluded them for a number of years.

The winger has two years left on his current contract and has previously spoken of his desire to play in La Liga in the future.

Former Arsenal goalkeeper Rami Shaaban, has, however, advised him to remain at Anfield except Real Madrid or Barcelona bid to sign him.

“Liverpool fans love Salah, I want Salah to continue with the club even if he receives an offer from Paris Saint-Germain because the competition in England is stronger than in France,” Shaaban told OnTime Sport TV.

“The situation will be different in one case, which is if he receives an offer from a team in the Spanish League, and we’re talking here about Real Madrid or Barcelona.

“I wish Salah would’ve joined Arsenal before moving to Chelsea, Salah’s style suits Arsenal.”

Salah will be expected to continue with his spectacular performances for Liverpool when the pre-season starts.

The two-time African footballer of the year will hope to replicate his fine club form for Egypt in their World Cup qualifying game against Angola in August.


أعلنت رابطة اللاعبين المحترفين لكرة القدم في إنجلترا، يوم الجمعة، فوز اللاعب المصري محمد صلاح، مهاجم ليفربول، بجائزة لاعب العام في الدوري الإنجليزي الممتاز، بحسب تصويت الجماهير.

وضمت القائمة النهاية لجائزة لاعب الموسم (2020-2021) في “البريميرليع”، التي صوتت عليها الجماهير، إضافة إلى محمد صلاح، كلا من البلجيكي كيفين دي بروين (مانشستر سيتي)، والبرتغالي برونو فيرنانديز (مانشستر يونايتد)، والإنجليزي هاري كين (توتنهام هوتسبير)، والإنجليزيين أولي واتكينز (أستون فيلا)، وباتريك بامفورد (ليدز يونايتد).

وحصل النجم البرتغالي الصاعد روبن دياز، مدافع فريق مانشستر سيتي، على جائزة لاعب الموسم من رابطة النقاد “FWA”، ثم حصد نفس الجائزة المقدمة من الراعي الرسمي “للبريميرليغ”، بينما فاز زميله كيفين دي بروين بجائزة لاعب الموسم المقدمة من رابطة اللاعبين المحترفين.

يشار إلى أن صلاح شارك مع فريقه ليفربول خلال الموسم الماضي في 37 مباراة في الدوري الإنجليزي الممتاز، سجل فيها 22 هدفا وصنع 5، وجاء في المركز الثاني في ترتيب هدافي المسابقة، متأخرا بهدف عن هاري كين.

واحتل ليفربول المركز الثالث في ترتيب الدوري الإنجليزي موسم 2020/2021، وحصد 69 نقطة من 38 مباراة، ليضمن التأهل مباشرة إلى دور المجموعات في دوري أبطال أوروبا.

وكان صلاح قد تمكن من حصد 6 جوائز من أصل 9 يقدمها النادي للنجم الذي يحرز هدفا مميزا خلال الشهر، على مدار الأشهر التسعة الماضية.

ونشر نادي ليفربول عبر صفحته الرسمية على “تويتر” 9 لقطات فيديو للأهداف الفائزة بجائزة أفضل هدف يسجله الفريق خلال كل شهر.

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