Qatar Airways carried over 1 million passengers home since mid-February
القطرية تعيد أكثر من مليون مسافر إلى وطنه منذ منتصف فبراير
The Peninsula – Doha
Since mid-February Qatar Airways has carried over one million people home plus transported over 70,000 tonnes of medical equipment and aid relief, ensuring it is a reliable partner for passengers, governments, travel trade and freight companies in extremely challenging circumstances.
The COVID-19 pandemic has created an unprecedented challenge for Qatar Airways and the aviation industry as a whole. While the airline continues to maintain operations where possible to take people home and to transport essential supplies, overall demand for air transport has declined significantly.
Qatar Airways has helped reunite over one million passengers with their loved ones, operating a mix of scheduled and charter services plus extra sectors, said the airline in a press release yesterday. In the past several weeks, the airline has helped repatriate over 45,000 passengers back home to France, 70,000 home to Germany and over 100,000 customers back to the United Kingdom. Working with governments and group travel companies around the world, the airline operated over 90 charters and extra sector flights taking home over 26,000 stranded travellers.
The demand to help get stranded travellers home has also seen Qatar Airways operate flights to new destinations such as Brisbane, Christchurch and Toronto. The national carrier of the State of Qatar continues to operate approximately 60 scheduled flights a day to around 40 destinations and is working closely with embassies across the globe to arrange charters to repatriate stranded citizens.
With global air freight capacity declining, Qatar Airways Cargo has increased operations to ensure the continuity of global trade and movement of essential medical and aid supplies. We continue to operate a significant cargo schedule with almost 100 flights per day, during the past month the cargo operator has worked closely with governments and NGOs to transport over 70,000 tonnes of medical and aid supplies to impacted regions around the world on both scheduled and charter services, the equivalent of roughly 500 fully loaded Boeing 777 freighters. To continue to fulfil demand the Group’s cargo division is also utilising passenger aircraft to carry freight-only to destinations in China, Europe, India and the Middle East.
The airline has been working diligently to reduce or defer costs where possible. The airline recently worked with staff to implement a ‘Solidarity Programme’ that would see mid-level and above Doha based staff defer a portion of their basic salary. For mid-level employees and above, the basic monthly salary will be subject to a 50% deferral. This temporary measure is expected to last for three months, starting from April 2020, the position will be kept under review depending on the economic situation.
Qatar Airways Group Chief Executive, H E Akbar Al Baker, said: “The entire team at Qatar Airways has worked incredibly hard to take people home over the past few weeks. We have built a strong level of trust with our passengers, governments, travel trade and cargo businesses as a reliable partner when we were needed the most and we continue to offer a schedule where possible and allowed by governments.”
“We also introduced an employee pay deferral scheme which the Company will credit salary back as soon as possible when circumstances allow. Many other work groups overseas and across all job levels have also offered to take voluntary salary deferrals in solidarity with their colleagues, reinforcing the fact that the Qatar Airways Group family is one who has the best interests of each other and the airline at heart,” H E said.
“I know many of our Qatar Airways employees have left family and friends at home to commit to building this airline with me and we will always do what is in the best interest of both the business and our committed and hard-working staff, I could not be more proud of our team who have worked incredibly hard to build even greater trust with the travelling public,” H E added.
As an airline, Qatar Airways maintains the highest possible hygiene standards, which include the regular disinfection of aircraft, the use of cleaning products recommended by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the World Health Organization (WHO), and thermal screening of crew.
In addition, Qatar Airways’ aircraft feature the most advanced air filtration systems, equipped with industrial-size HEPA filters that remove 99.97% of viral and bacterial contaminants from re-circulated air, providing the most effective protection against infection. All the airline’s onboard linen and blankets are washed, dried and pressed at microbial lethal temperatures, while its headsets are removed of ear foams and rigorously sanitized after each flight. These items are then sealed into individual packaging by staff wearing hygienic disposable gloves.
Qatar Aircraft Catering Company (QACC) was the first organisation in the world last year to achieve ISO22000:2018 certification from Bureau Veritas with UKAS accreditation, confirming its Food Safety Management System meets the highest standards. All meal service utensils and cutlery are washed with detergents and rinsed with demineralized fresh water at temperatures that kill pathogenic bacteria. All sanitized equipment is handled by staff wearing hygienic disposable gloves.
Hamad International Airport (HIA) is also robustly minimising any risks to the health and safety of passengers and staff. As a vital pillar to Qatar’s national economy, HIA’s doors remain open as it continues its operations to take people home to their family through Doha, and to ensure food security of Qatar through cargo.
HIA has implemented stringent cleaning procedures and closed most of the non-essential passenger facilities. All passenger touchpoints are sanitized every 10-15 minutes. All boarding gates and bus gate counters are cleaned after each flight. Staff working at the airport have been provided additional training in terms of protecting themselves and others in light of the current situation and implementing the highest health and safety measurements. In addition, hand sanitizers are provided at immigration and security screening points. A social distancing policy has been implemented at the airport, and staff are allowed to wear masks and disposable gloves to protect them from any infection. All staff are briefed to change their masks in line with WHO recommendations.
source: thepeninsulaqatar
الدوحة – العرب
أعادت الخطوط الجوية القطرية أكثر من مليون مسافر إلى بلدانهم، ونقلت أكثر من 70 ألف طن من المعدات والمساعدات الطبية إلى مختلف أنحاء العالم على مدار الأسابيع الماضية، مؤكدة أنها شريك موثوق للمسافرين والحكومات وشركات السفر والشحن الجوي خلال هذه الأوقات العصيبة التي يتفشى فيها فيروس كورونا في العالم.
منذ منتصف شهر فبراير الماضي، ساعدت «القطرية» أكثر من مليون مسافر على العودة إلى بلدانهم ولقاء عائلاتهم وأحبائهم، وذلك على متن رحلات مجدولة وغير مجدولة إلى وجهات حالية وأخرى جديدة. وعادت الناقلة الوطنية لدولة قطر بأكثر من 45 ألف مسافر إلى فرنسا، وأكثر من 70 ألف مسافر إلى ألمانيا، وأكثر من 100 ألف مسافر إلى المملكة المتحدة. وسيّرت الناقلة أكثر من 90 رحلة خاصة غير مجدولة لنقل أكثر من 26 ألف مسافر عالقين في الخارج إلى بلدانهم؛ وذلك بفضل تعاونها مع الحكومات وشركات السياحة والسفر حول العالم.
وتسيّر الناقلة حالياً ما يقارب 60 رحلة مجدولة يومياً إلى 40 وجهة تقريباً، وتعمل بشكل وثيق مع السفارات حول العالم لتشغيل رحلات خاصة لإجلاء المسافرين العالقين في الخارج إلى بلدانهم.
الشحن الجوي
مع انخفاض سعة الشحن الجوي عالمياً، كثّفت «القطرية للشحن الجوي» عملياتها للمساهمة في استمرارية حركة التجارة العالمية ونقل المواد الأساسية والمستلزمات الطبية إلى مختلف أنحاء العالم، مع تشغيلها حوالي 100 رحلة شحن يومياً. وعملت الناقلة الجوية في الشهر الماضي، بالتعاون مع العديد من الحكومات والمنظمات غير الربحية، على نقل أكثر من 70 ألف طن من المستلزمات الطبية والإمدادات الأساسية إلى المناطق المتأثرة بفيروس «كورونا» حول العالم، وذلك على متن رحلات مجدولة وغير مجدولة. وتقريباً، يعادل وزن البضائع التي نقلتها «القطرية للشحن الجوي» في شهر مارس إجمالي سعة الشحن على 500 طائرة شحن جوي من طراز «بوينغ 777».
التضامن للموظفين
دأبت «القطرية» في الفترة الماضية على تقليل النفقات أو تأجيل الدفعات حيثما أمكن ذلك. وعملت الناقلة مؤخراً مع الموظفين لتنفيذ «برنامج التضامن» الذي يقضي بتأجيل دفع نسبة 50% من الراتب الشهري الأساسي للموظفين المتواجدين في الدوحة من المستوى المتوسط فأعلى. وسيكون هذا الإجراء مؤقتاً، ومن المتوقع أن يمتد لفترة ثلاثة أشهر فقط، ابتداءً من شهر أبريل لعام 2020. وستجري الناقلة القطرية مراجعة مستمرة لهذا الإجراء بناءً على ما يطرأ من تطورات على أوضاعها المالية. وقال سعادة السيد أكبر الباكر، الرئيس التنفيذي لمجموعة الخطوط الجوية القطرية: «بذل جميع العاملين في الخطوط الجوية القطرية جهوداً كبيرة من أجل تمكين كل المسافرين العالقين في الخارج من العودة إلى بلدانهم خلال الأسابيع القليلة الماضية. وانعكس هذا الأمر إيجاباً علينا من خلال تعزيز ثقة المسافرين وقطاع السفر وشركات الشحن الجوي بنا كشريك موثوق أثبت تواجده لخدمتهم في أشد الأوقات، مع الحرص على الاستمرار بتشغيل رحلات الطيران أينما أمكن لنا ذلك».
المصدر: alarab