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Ministry issues procedure for workers’ transportation to and from Industrial Area

الوزارة تصدر إجراءات نقل العمال من وإلى المنطقة الصناعية

By Sanaullah Ataullah | The Peninsula:

Doha; The Ministry of Administrative Development, Labor and Social Affairs (MADLSA) has explained the terms and conditions required for the issuance of permit for transporting workers from the Industrial Area to the project sites.

The issuance of the permit is part of the State’s preventive and precautionary measures to curb the spread of COVID-19 for the gradual reopening of the Industrial Area.

As per the conditions, a commitment letter with signature and stamp from the company seeking permit for transporting workers from and to Industrial Area for project site is required, the Ministry said in a tweet. List of the vehicles with number plates, driving licenses of the drivers and number of the workers are required for the permit. A copy of the project contract is also needed. The accommodation of the company in the Industrial Area and project site will undergo inspection. The Ministry will cancel the permit if the company is found violating the terms and conditions. 

For further information, companies can call on hotline of the Ministry at 40280660 or communicate through email

Under gradual reopening of the Industrial Area, companies are allowed to return to all their commercial and industrial activities and to transfer workers and equipment outside the Industrial Area by submitting an application to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry for an entry permit.

For requests for material and equipment transportation, an application should be submitted via the website of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry or the hotline 2345130 and an approval will be issued within 48 hours. Employment transfer requests should be referred to the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labor and Social Affairs to check and ensure the requirements for issuing permits are met.

The company’s commitment to health, housing and workplace requirements will be evaluated. In case of any violation of these conditions, the company will be penalized, and the transfer permit will be suspended until the conditions are settled.

source: thepeninsulaqatarIndustrial-Area

الدوحة الراية:

حددت وزارة التنمية الادارية والعمل شروط اصدار التصاريح اللازمة لطلبات نقل العمالة من المنطقة الصناعية لمواقع المشاريع وتضمنت الاشتراطات التقدم بتعهد موقع ومختوم من الشركة الطالبة لنقل العمالة من المنطقة الصناعية (دخول وخروج) لمواقع المشاريع و كشف بعدد السيارات وأرقامها ورخص القيادة للسائقين وعدد العمالة للشركة.

وتعهد موقع ومختوم من الشركة فيما يخص تنزيل تطبيق احتراز للعمال من هم على كفالة الشركة. كما تضمنت التقدم بصور من عقود المشاريع والتعهد بالتفتيش على السكن التابع للشركة في المنطقة الصناعية والتفتيش على مواقع العمل في المشاريع.واشارت الوزارة انه في حالة مخالفة الشركة للاشتراطات اللازمة، تقوم وزارة التنمية الإداري والعمل والشؤون الاجتماعية بإلغاء التصريح.

المصدر: raya

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