Awqaf Ministry clarifies about mosque reopening news
وزارة الأوقاف توضح خبر إعادة فتح المساجد
By Sanaullah Ataullah | The Peninsula
Doha: The Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs has clarified that the decision to suspend the prayers in mosques is still in place while responding to the news shared on social media about reopening of the mosques.
The Ministry of Awqaf confirmed on its Twitter account that the decision to suspend prayers inside mosques will continue as part of preventive and precautionary measures taken by the state to curb the spread of COVID-19 and the news about reopening spreading on social media is “not official”.
The illustrative pictures, showing worshipers performing prayers following preventive measures, circulated widely on social media platforms are a proactive educational materials which is prepared to educate the community before opening the mosques. Preventive measures and social distancing will remain and instruction stated in these educational materials will be followed when the situation would allow reopening of mosques according to the conditions to be specified by the authorities concerned.
source: thepeninsulaqatar
أكدت وزارة الأوقاف والشؤون الإسلامية استمرار القرار الخاص بتعليق الصلاة في المساجد ضمن الإجراءات الاحترازية الرسمية.
ونوهت الوزارة عبر حسابها الرسمي على موقع “تويتر” أن التصاميم التي يتم تداولها هي مادة توعوية استباقية تم تحضيرها لتوعية المجتمع في حال كانت الظروف مهيأة لإعادة فتح المساجد وفق الاشتراطات التي تحددها السلطات المختصة.
المصدر: al-watan