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Doha Municipality shuts 47 food outlets for violations

بلدية الدوحة تغلق 47 منشأة غذائية مخالفة


Inspections of food establishments by the Health Control Section of the Municipal Control Department, Doha Municipality, in March resulted in the administrative closure of 47 such outlets for violating the relevant rules.

As many as 2,224 inspections were carried out at food establishments in various localities under Doha Municipality’s jurisdiction during this period, the Ministry of Municipality and Environment said in a statement on Thursday.

Notices demanding corrective measures were given to 132 establishments for violation of Law No 8 of 1990 on the regulation of human food control and its amendments.

The violations included preparing food in unhygienic conditions, practices that violate the provisions of commercial licenses, and employing workers without health certificates or with expired ones.

During the intensive inspection tours, it was ensured that all food establishments conform to the health requirements and prevent the work of any worker with any symptoms of diseases.

The inspections were carried out in co-operation with specialists in the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH). Awareness posters and brochures were also distributed as part of the efforts to contain the novel coronavirus (Covid-19).

A team of inspectors of the Health Control Section of the Municipal Control Department at Al Khor and Al Thakhira Municipality conducted an inspection campaign during the evening at restaurants and bakeries. It was ensured that all health requirements were met and workers in food establishments wear gloves and masks. The inspectors also checked the availability and validity of health certificates for workers. The daily auction places and the fish market were also checked.

The Health Control Section of the Municipal Control Department at Al Sheehaniya Municipality carried out an inspection campaign at the yard for local agricultural products to ensure adherence to hygiene procedures and the quality of the products.

The Health Control Section of the Municipal Control Department at Umm Salal Municipality initiated an inspection and awareness campaign at food establishments to check whether they meet the health requirements.

The director of Al Wakra Municipality issued an administrative decision to close a restaurant in the municipal limits for seven days. The action was taken after certain violations were found regarding health standards. Food items not fit for human consumption were recovered from the restaurant.

The veterinarians of the Health Control Section examined five tonnes of fish in the Al Wakra fish market and destroyed 20kg found not suitable for human consumption.


نفَّذ قسم الرقابة الصحية التابع لإدارة الرقابة البلدية ببلدية الدوحة خلال مارس الجاري 2224 جولة تفتيشية على المنشآت الغذائية في مختلف المناطق ، تم خلالها تحرير 132 محضر مخالفة للقانون رقم 8 لسنة 1990 بشأن مراقبة تنظيم الأغذية الآدمية وتعديلاته، وتنفيذ الإغلاق الإداري لـ 47 مؤسسة غذائية مخالفة.

وشملت المخالفات تحضير المواد الغذائية في ظروف غيرصحية وممارسة نشاط مخالف للموجود في الرخص التجارية، تشغيل عمال ليس لديهم شهادات صحية أو منتهيةالصلاحية.

وتم خلال الجولات التفتيشية المكثفة التأكد من قيام كافةالمؤسسات الغذائية بتطبيق الاشتراطات الصحية ومنع عمل أي عامل لديه أي أعراض مرضية، كما قام مفتشو القسمبالتعاون مع المختصين بوزارة الصحة العامة في توزيعبوسترات وبروشورات توعوية حول سبل الوقاية من فيروسكورونا وإرشادات وزارة الصحة للعاملين بالمؤسسات الغذائية.

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