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🩺 Health

Hospital director dies of coronavirus

وفاة مدير مستشفى في الصين بسبب «كورونا»


BEIJING — Chinese leader Xi Jinping is striking an increasingly confident note that the country can control the coronavirus outbreak and manage the economic and social fallout as some Chinese health experts predict a peak in infections by the end of the month.

In phone calls with French President Emmanuel Macron and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Tuesday, Xi said he believed the epidemic would only have a “temporary” impact on China’s “resilient” economy and the country’s development targets could still be reached this year.

Chinese leaders, eager to kickstart economic activity, have dismantled some highway checkpoints while businesses have begun to reopen, although as of Wednesday restrictions on personal mobility remained tight, suggesting wariness about rising infections. A district in Beijing went a step further, announcing it would seal off residential compounds — one of the strictest control policies in the capital.

China on Wednesday reported new case numbers continuing to decline, when national authorities tallied a total of 1,749 new infections and 136 deaths through the end of the previous day. China now has a cumulative total of 74,185 infections and 2,004 deaths, the overwhelming majority still occurring in central Hubei province. Meanwhile, Hong Kong confirmed its second death from the virus early Wednesday.

International experts, including U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Anthony Fauci, say they are wary of declaring that the pace of worldwide infections is slowing, despite the steady drop in new daily cases China has reported.

Here are the latest developments:

● Beijing’s central Xicheng district said it would seal off residential compounds for almost half a million residents in one of strictest control policies to reach the Chinese capital.

● Hong Kong reported its second death from the outbreak. The victim was a 70-year old man who died Wednesday, hospital officials said.

● Tempers and reports of police brutality are flaring across China as authorities rough up residents who refuse to wear masks or abide by mobility controls. China’s minister of public security warned local officials on Tuesday about excessive use of force.

● In Japan, an infectious disease specialist slammed conditions on the Diamond Princess cruise ship, saying officials had endangered lives by failing to observe proper quarantine practices.

توفي ليو تشى مينغ، مدير مستشفى ووتشانغ في مدينة ووهان الصينية، بعد إصابته بفيروس كورونا الجديد.

وذكرت صحيفة تشاينا دايلي، أن ليو توفي صباح اليوم بالرغم من الجهود الطبية لإنقاذه، مضيفة أن مستشفى ووتشانغ هو أحد المستشفيات المخصصة لعلاج الفيروس في مدينة ووهان بؤرة تفشي فيروس كورونا.

وقد أعلنت السلطات الصينية إقامة 10 مراكز للحجر الصحي في ثماني مناطق في ووهان، مما سيوفر أكثر من 11400 سرير إضافي للأشخاص الذين يعانون من أعراض خفيفة.

ويأتي ذلك وسط ارتفاع حصيلة الوفيات الناجمة عن فيروس كورونا إلى 1868 شخصاً، حسبما أفادت السلطات الصحية الصينية اليوم.

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