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MME fences 12 areas to protect rare native wild plants and trees

البلدية والبيئة تسوّر 12 منطقة لحماية النباتات والأشجار البرية النادرة المحلية


To protect the environment by ensuring biodiversity, the Protection and Wildlife Department at the Ministry of Municipality and Environment (MME) has fenced 12 areas to protect the rare native wild plants and trees like ‘Al Ghaf’ and ‘Bumber’ from extinction.

Some fenced areas have been closed completely for rehabilitation work which include planting seedlings of wild trees of Qatari environment under a major plan of MME to protect the areas with plants, shrubs and trees and develop them to serve the purpose.

The fenced areas include Rawdat Al Salimiya in Al Sheehaniya, Rawdat Wadi Al Gharban at Al Nasraniya, Rawdat Umm Lagharban, Rawdat Lajamah, Rawdat Miknis and Rawdat Al Seej.

The fencing of targeted areas aims at protecting such areas from over-grazing by animals and harmful human interventions.

The purpose of the initiative is also to collect the seeds of rare trees for planting more such trees. The Protection and Wildlife Department launched a number of projects to increase local wild plants and trees under the ongoing initiative run by the Ministry of Municipality and Environment to plant one millions trees.

The department has planted 800 seedlings of a number Qatari wild trees, including Al Bumber, Al Awsaj, Al Sidr, Al Samur, Al Salam at Rawdat Hazm at Rawdat Hazm Al Bumber.

The department has also launched the second phase project to protect another local rare tree, Al Ghaf at Rawdat Al Ghaf, Al Makeen. The Protection and Wildlife Department, in collaborations with the experts from Agricultural Affairs Department, Al Shamal Municipality and Public Parks Department, has been working to protect Al Ghaf trees since 2015 when there were just 50 such trees.

The latest survey conducted by the department suggested that the number of Al Ghaf has reached over 400 during the past three years. The Ministry of Municipality and Environment made remarkable achievements in term of protecting vegetation in the country under its efforts to safeguard the environment during 2018-19.

Over 1,100 seedlings of local wild trees were planted across the country. The Protection and Wildlife Department helped reallocate 1,250 wild trees from the infrastructure projects sites.

A total of 12 areas were fenced at the expense of the Ministry of Municipality and Environment to protect the local wild trees, shrubs and plants. Rawdat Simaisma was declared protected land where 600 wild trees were planted.

Sanaullah Ataullah I The Peninsula

لحماية البيئة من خلال ضمان التنوع البيولوجي ، قامت دائرة الحماية والحياة البرية في وزارة البلدية والبيئة (MME) بتسوير 12 منطقة لحماية النباتات والأشجار البرية الأصلية النادرة مثل “الغاف” و “Bumber” من الانقراض.

تم إغلاق بعض المناطق المسورة بالكامل لأعمال إعادة التأهيل التي تشمل زراعة شتلات الأشجار البرية من البيئة القطرية في إطار خطة كبرى ل MME لحماية المناطق بالنباتات والشجيرات والأشجار وتطويرها لخدمة الغرض.

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