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Amir issues Amiri decisions, decrees

سمو الأمير يصدر عدداً من القرارات الأميرية



Amir H H Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, yesterday issued Amiri Decision No. 58 of 2019 appointing Hussain Ahmed Muhammad Ibrahim Al Hamid, as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United Republic of Tanzania.

H H the Amir also issued Amiri Decision No. 59 of 2019 appointing Fawzia Idris Salman Al Sulaiti, as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Indonesia. H H the Amir issued Amiri Decision No. 60 of 2019 appointing Tariq Ali Faraj Hashim Al Ansari, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of South Africa.

H H the Amir also issued Decree No. (46) of 2019 to ratify a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in the field of health and medical science between the government of the State of Qatar and the government of the Republic of Turkey, signed in Trabzon, on 18/12/ 2016 attached to the text of this decree and have the force of law, in accordance with Article (68) of the Constitution.

H H the Amir also issued Decree No. (47) of 2019 to ratify a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in the field of standardization between the Qatar General Organization for Standardization in Qatar, and the Turkish Standards Institution TSE in the Republic of Turkey, signed in Trabzon on 18/12/2016, attached to the text of this decree and have the force of law, in accordance with Article (68) of the Constitution.

H H the Amir issued Decree No. (48) of 2019 ratifying an air services agreement between the government of the State of Qatar and the government of the Republic of Paraguay signed in the city of Asuncion on 3/10/2018, attached to the text of this decree and have the force of law, in accordance with Article (68) of the Constitution.

H H the Amir also issued Decree No. (49) of 2019 to ratify an agreement between the government of Qatar and the government of the Republic of Paraguay regarding the abolition of visa requirements for holders of diplomatic, official and private passports, signed in the city of Asuncion on 3/10/2018, attached to the text of this decree and have the force of law, in accordance with Article (68) of the Constitution.

H H the Amir issued Decree No. (50) of 2019 ratifying a supplementary protocol in the field of supervision and control of financial institutions for the Memorandum of Understanding between Qatar Central Bank and Bank Al Maghrib, signed in the city of Rabat on 12/03/2018, attached to the text of this decree and have the force of law, in accordance with Article (68) of the Constitution. The decisions are effective as of the date of issue and are to be published in the official gazette.

أصدر حضرة صاحب السمو الشيخ تميم بن حمد آل ثاني أمير البلاد المفدى، اليوم، القرار الأميري رقم 58 لسنة 2019 بتعيين السيد حسين أحمد محمد إبراهيم الحميد، سفيرا فوق العادة مفوضا لدى جمهورية تنزانيا المتحدة.

كما أصدر سمو الأمير المفدى، القرار الأميري رقم 59 لسنة 2019 بتعيين السيدة فوزية إدريس سلمان السليطي سفيرا فوق العادة مفوضا لدى جمهورية إندونيسيا .

وأصدر سمو الأمير، القرار الأميري رقم 60 لسنة 2019 بتعيين السيد طارق علي فرج هاشم الأنصاري، سفيرا فوق العادة مفوضا لدى جمهورية جنوب إفريقيا .

وقضت القرارات بتنفيذها والعمل بها من تاريخ صدورها وأن تنشر في الجريدة الرسمية.

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