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Qatar, Italy vow to strengthen relations

قطر وإيطاليا تتعهدان بتعزيز العلاقات

Doha: Amir H H Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani and the Prime Minister of the Italian Republic, Giuseppe Conte, held yesterday a session of official talks pertaining to bilateral relations and means to enhance them in all fields, particularly in the fields of economy, investment, and defence.

The session, which was held at the Amiri Diwan, also discussed a number of regional and international issues of joint interest, particularly developments in Libya.

The talks session was attended by Prime Minister and Interior Minister H E Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani, and a number of Their Excellencies the Ministers. On the Italian side, it was attended by members of the official delegation accompanying the Prime Minister.

The Italian Prime Minister was also accorded an official reception at the Amiri Diwan. H H the Amir hosted a luncheon banquet in honour of the Italian Prime Minister and the delegation accompanying him, at the Amiri Diwan.

The banquet was attended by H E the Prime Minister and Interior Minister and a number of Their Excellencies the Ministers.

The Italian Prime Minister spent a busy day in Doha and visited National Museum of Qatar; inaugurated new Italian embassy premises at Alfardan Office Tower in West Bay; paid a visit to Al Bayt Stadium; inaugurated authentic Italian products corner at Lulu Hypermarket, Al Messaila.

During the visit to the National Museum of Qatar the Prime Minister was accompanied by Chairperson of Qatar Museums H E Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad Al Thani. H E Sheikha Mayassa provided a detailed presentation of the museum’s pieces and collections.

The Prime Minister viewed the geological development of Qatar, pearl collections, as well as an exhibition on the history of Qatar before discovering oil and gas.

Conte said at the conclusion of his tour that he would like to “congratulate the State of Qatar and its people for the inspiring and the iconic museum that gives shape to the vision of the country.”

He added that his visit to the museum showed that it embodies a vision of “a community whose strength comes from culture and knowledge where people with different traditions and values contribute to the social development of each and every one.”

He stressed that protecting national heritage is a goal both countries are committed to, as it helps ensure the future generations can know their roots and identity as they embark on building a better future.

The tour was attended by Ambassador of the State of Qatar to the Italian Republic, Abdulaziz bin Ahmed Al Malki Al Jahni; Ambassador of the Italian Republic to the State of Qatar, Pasquale Salzano, and Acting Executive Director of the museum Ahmed Namla.

Prime Minister of the Italian Republic and his accompanying delegation also visited Al Bayt Stadium in Al Khor.

He was welcomed upon arrival by Secretary-General of Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy Hassan Al Thawadi and a number of those in charge of the stadium’s construction.

The Prime Minister listened to a detailed presentation on the progress of the construction process, in addition to viewing what has been accomplished so far.

The Prime Minister left Doha yesterday evening. The Italian Prime Minister and his accompanying delegation were seen off on departure at Hamad international airport by Minister of Commerce and Industry Ali bin Ahmed Al Kuwari.

افتتح دولة السيد جوزيبي كونتي رئيس وزراء الجمهورية الإيطالية المقر الجديد للسفارة الإيطالية بمنطقة الدفنة. وقال دولة السيد جوزيبي كونتي في مؤتمر صحافي على هامش افتتاح السفارة، إن الزيارة التي قام بها لدولة قطر تأتي في إطار العلاقات المتينة التي تجمع البلدين.

أكد رئيس الوزراء الإيطالي أن بلاده تريد أن ترى الاستقرار والسلام يعم في الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا، مشيراً إلى أن الجانب الاقتصادي كان حاضرا أيضاً في زيارته حيث بحث مع الجانب القطري سبل تطوير التعاون الاقتصادي.

وشدد على الدور الذي يمكن أن تلعبه الشركات الإيطالية من خلال ما لديها من خبرة وإمكانيات في المشاريع التي تعتزم دولة قطر القيام بها خاصة في مجال البنية التحتية، معبراً عن سعادته بالتطور الذي تشهده العلاقات الاقتصادية بين البلدين.

وأضاف دولة السيد كونتي أنه قام بزيارة استاد البيت بمدينة الخور الذي كان للشركات الإيطالية الدور الأكبر في تنفيذه، معتبراً أن مثل تلك المشاريع تعد النموذج الأمثل لما يتيحه التعاون الاقتصادي بين الجانبين.

وغادر دولة السيد جوزيبي كونتي رئيس وزراء الجمهورية الإيطالية، الدوحة مساء أمس، بعد زيارة رسمية للبلاد.

وكان في وداع دولته والوفد المرافق لدى مغادرته مطار حمد الدولي، سعادة السيد علي بن أحمد الكواري وزير التجارة والصناعة، وسعادة السيد عبدالعزيز بن أحمد المالكي الجهني سفير دولة قطر لدى الجمهورية الإيطالية، وسعادة السيد باسكوالي سالزانو سفير الجمهورية الإيطالية لدى الدولة.

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