Amiri decree sets date for election to CMC
صاحب السمو يصدر مرسوماً بتحديد ميعاد انتخاب أعضاء المجلس البلدي المركزي
QNA/The Peninsula
Amir H H Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani issued yesterday Amiri Decree No. 4 of 2019 to set the election date of members of the Central Municipal Council on Tuesday Sha’ban 11 of 1440, April 16 of 2019. The decree stated a call on citizens who hold voting rights and are registered on the voter lists, to vote in their constituencies. The decree is effective starting from its date of publication in the official gazette.
Meanwhile, another report said that the final electoral rolls of the 6th Central Municipal Council elections will be announced today at the headquarters of all electoral constituencies, as these headquarters will be ready as of Sunday to receive nominations.
Brigadier Abdulrahman Al Farahid Al Malki, Assistant Director General of Information Systems and Chairman of the Technical Committee for CMC elections and member of the Supervisory Committee, said that the decisions of the appeals and grievance committees on which the final rolls of voters were issued cannot be appealed again. Al Malki pointed out that according to the schedule of elections, all the headquarters of the constituencies will begin on Sunday to receive requests for registration of candidates, and this period will continue until 21 February.
He urged anyone who sees himself as capable of serving his country to go to the headquarters of the electoral constituencies to fill in the candidacy form in front of the election committee.
Concerning the conditions that candidates must meet, he explained that any Qatari male or female who fulfils the conditions in accordance with Article 5 of Law No. 12 of 1998 regulating the Central Municipal Council is entitled to run for membership of the CMC. These conditions are that the candidate shall be a Qatari citizen of Qatari origin or who obtained Qatari citizenship provided that the candidate shall be a descendant of a person born in Qatar. The candidate should be at least 30 years old and literate.
Al Malki said candidates can go to the concerned constituency headquarters which will be opened from 4pm to 7pm to fill up the prescribed form.
أصدر حضرة صاحب السمو الشيخ تميم بن حمد آل ثاني أمير البلاد المفدى، أمس، المرسوم رقم (4) لسنة 2019 بتحديد ميعاد انتخاب أعضاء المجلس البلدي المركزي، في يوم الثلاثاء الحادي عشر من شهر شعبان عام 1440هـ، الموافق للسادس عشر من شهر أبريل عام 2019، موعداً لإجراء انتخاب أعضاء المجلس البلدي المركزي. ونص المرسوم على دعوة المواطنين الذين يتمتعون بحق الانتخاب، والمقيدة أسماؤهم في جداول قيد الناخبين، للإدلاء بأصواتهم في دوائرهم الانتخابية.
وقضى المرسوم بتنفيذه والعمل به من تاريخ صدوره وأن ينشر في الجريدة الرسمية.;