Qatar Charity funds 1,250 income-generating projects in Gaza
«قطر الخيرية» تموّل 1250 مشروعاً مدراً للدخل في غزة
DOHA: Qatar Charity (QC) has funded more than 1,250 income-generating projects in the Gaza Strip during the last ten years, with generous support from the people in Qatar to empower poor families and the unemployed economically. The cost of these projects, which benefited some 11,000 people, amounted to QR11mn.
Qatar Charity gives priority to such development projects that create permanent employment opportunities for the people of the Gaza Strip, ease their living burdens, and contribute to moving the Palestinian economy forward, especially in light of the high rates of poverty and unemployment in Gaza.
QC’s economic empowerment projects have contributed to strengthening the social fabric and family cohesion by improving the relationship of the beneficiary with his/her family and family members as well as with the surrounding environment. The projects also worked on the enhancement of the psychological and behavioral aspects of the heads of poor families.
QC’s such projects take into consideration the environment of the targeted people, their abilities and their circumstances. Accordingly, they vary from a project to another one and include, but are not limited to, the provision of fishing boats and poultry farms, the rehabilitation of plastic greenhouses, the distribution of dairy cows, sheep, horse carts, sewing and embroidery machines, motorcycles for goods transportation, selling carts, and opening bakeries and shops.
The income-generating projects, implemented by Qatar Charity through its office in the Gaza Strip, target many people, including the families of orphans sponsored by the charity, the poor, people with special needs, underprivileged families and the unemployed. Any such project is granted only under the technical evaluation, which first indicates the desire, complete approval and experience of the beneficiary and his/her family to work on it. Additionally, the beneficiary and his/her family must have the appropriate place to run the project, and the ability to manage and market its products, as well as, ensure that no harm will be caused to any person due to the implementation of the project.
The population of the Gaza Strip are constantly facing the major challenges in light of the high rates of poverty reaching 65% (the per capita income is only $ 2 per day) and unemployment reaching 50%, which means that one million people are suffering from it, while 60% of young people and graduates are without jobs.
For these reasons, there is still a greater need to implement more income-generating projects in Gaza and transform poor families from care to development.
As the “Gaza, the Right to Live” campaign continues, Qatar Charity urges good doers to actively participate in supporting QC’s income-generating projects and its humanitarian and development efforts to ease the hardship of the people in Gaza and meet their various basic needs.
More information on QC’s projects within the framework of the “Gaza, the Right to Live” campaign, launched under the supervision of the Regulatory Authority for Charitable Activities (RACA), is available on QC’s website and App, or such information can be requested by dialing QC’s hotline 44667711.
Mobile donating is available. To donate QR100, QR500 and QR1,000, please send an SMS with code (Gaza) to 92624, 92428 and 92429 respectively. The benefactors can also contribute to the campaign by directly making donations at Qatar Charity’s headquarters, its branches and collection points located in commercial complexes within the country.
قامت «قطر الخيرية» بتمويل أكثر من 1250 مشروعاً مدراً للدخل في قطاع غزة، بدعم كريم من أهل قطر خلال السنوات العشر الأخيرة، لصالح الأسر الفقيرة والعاطلين عن العمل، بهدف تمكينهم اقتصادياً وإيجاد مصدر رزق ثابت لهم، يعينهم على الاعتماد على أنفسهم معيشياً
وحفظ كرامتهم الإنسانية، وقد بلغت تكلفة هذه المشاريع 11 مليون ريال، واستفاد منها 11 ألف شخص.
وتعطي «قطر الخيرية» أولوية لهذه المشاريع التنموية التي تخلق فرص عمل دائمة لأبناء قطاع غزة، وتخفف من أعبائهم المعيشية، وتساهم في تحريك عجلة الاقتصاد الفلسطيني، خصوصاً في ظل ارتفاع معدلات الفقر والبطالة.
وقد ساهمت مشاريع التمكين الاقتصادي في تقوية النسيج والترابط الأسري والاجتماعي، من خلال تحسين علاقة المستفيد بأسرته وأفراد عائلته وكذلك مع البيئة المحيطة به، وعملت على تحسين الجانب النفسي والسلوكي لأرباب الأسر الفقيرة.
وتراعي المشاريع بيئة المستهدفين وقدراتهم وظروفهم، وتتنوع تبعاً لذلك لأصناف متعددة منها: تمليك قارب صيد بحري، وتمليك مزرعة دواجن، وتأهيل البيوت البلاستيكية الزراعية، وتجهيز محل تجاري، وتمليك بقرة حلوب، وتمليك عدد من رؤوس الأغنام، وتمليك عربة بحصان، وتمليك ماكينة خياطة،
وماكينة تطريز، ودراجة نارية لنقل البضائع، وتمليك عربة بيع متنقلة، ومخبز، وغيرها.;