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Over 7,000 shops targeted in MEC’s inspection campaigns

«الاقتصاد» تنفّذ حملات تفتيشية مكثفة قبيل وخلال العيد

DOHA: The Ministry of Economy and Commerce’s inspection campaigns during the holy month of Ramadan targeted more than 7,000 shops in different parts of the country.

Through the campaign, the ministry issued about 90 violations, ranging from not advertising prices, non-compliance with the bulletin prices of vegetables and fruits, special offers without authorization, less weight, no invoices, higher price than what is advertised, absence of product data from country of origin, non-registration of product data in Arabic, invoice data not available in Arabic, and two prices on the same product.

The Ministry announced that it will continue to intensify its inspection campaigns before and during Eid Al Fitr targeting various commercial activities in the country, especially the holiday shops, including all commercial complexes and shops with different activities, adding that these campaigns aimed at monitoring supplier compliance (shops) with their obligations under the Consumer Protection Law, whose penalties range from administrative closure to financial fines ranging from QR3000 to QR1m.

The ministry has intensified the inspection campaigns for the Eid Al Fitr holiday, in light of its keenness to regulate and monitor the markets and commercial activities in the country with the aim of controlling prices and detecting abuses in order to protect the rights of consumers.

The ministry said that the inspection campaigns are within its initiatives on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan, where the ministry announced the plan of intensive and extensive inspection campaigns 24 hours before, during and after the holy month of Ramadan to cover all areas of the country and various sectors and business activities to find out irregularities and detect abuses.

The Ministry of Economy and Commerce called upon all citizens and residents to report any irregularities or violations.

The Ministry urged merchants and retail outlets to comply with laws and ministerial circulars and to provide high quality products and services to consumers while cautioning against taking advantage of events and holidays to raise prices and exploit consumers.

The ministry stressed that it will not tolerate any violations of the Consumer Protection Law and its regulations and will intensify its inspection campaigns to crackdown on violations. The ministry said it will refer those who violate laws and ministerial decrees to competent authorities, who will in turn take appropriate action against perpetrators in order to protect consumer rights.

The ministry also aims to promote awareness among consumers about their rights and duties whereby the ministry continuously offers tips aimed at promoting consumer awareness of their rights and duties.

In this context, the ministry urges all consumers to request a detailed a detailed invoice, to check the product’s quality and to compare its price before and after discounts. Consumers should also check for product-related data such as the production and expiry date, country of origin and price. Consumers should also check for clear price tags and be aware of the data required to file a complaint against the shop or supplier.

تواصل وزارة الاقتصاد والتجارة تكثيف حملاتها التفتيشية قبيل وخلال عيد الفطر المبارك على مختلف الأنشطة التجارية في الدولة، لا سيما محلات بيع مستلزمات العيد والتي تشمل كافة المجمعات التجارية والمحال المتخصصة في بيع (المستلزمات الرجالية والنسائية، الملابس الجاهزة و ملابس الأطفال، العطور والاكسسوارت والأحذية – محلات بيع الأقمشة الرجالية والنسائية – محلات الخياطة والتفصيل، ومحلات الذهب والمجوهرات)، بالإضافة إلى محلات بيع الخضراوات والفواكه، والحلويات والمكسرات، والصالونات الرجالية والنسائية، ومغاسل السيارات.

وأسفرت الحملات التفتيشية التي نفذتها الوزارة خلال شهر رمضان المبارك والتي شملت أكثر من 7000 محل تجاري في مختلف مناطق الدولة، عن ضبط وتحرير حوالي 90 مخالفة، تنوعت بين عدم الإعلان عن الأسعار، وعدم الالتزام بأسعار النشرة الجبرية للخضروات والفواكه، وعمل عروض خاصة بدون ترخيص، وغش الأوزان، وعدم وجود فواتير، وتقاضي ثمن أعلى من المعلن عنه، وعدم وجود البيانات الإيضاحية لبعض المنتجات بلد المنشأ، وعدم تدوين بيانات المنتج باللغة العربية، وعدم تعريب بيانات الفاتورة، ووجود سعرين على نفس المنتج. وأهابت الوزارة بجميع التجار والمحلات التجارية بعدم استغلال المناسبات والأعياد لرفع الأسعار واستغلال المستهلك.;

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