Tokyo 2020: Abderrahman Samba Sets Best Personal Record
طوكيو ٢٠٢٠: العدّاء صامبا يحقق أفضل رقم هذا الموسم ويخفق في حصد ميدالية
Tokyo: Qatari runner Abdul Rahman Samba showed impressive brilliance of the three-man hurdles in the 400-meter hurdles, which witnessed the breaking of the world record, within the postponed Summer Olympic Games (Tokyo 2020), which is currently being held in the Japanese capital until the eighth of this month.
Samba, 25, returning from injury, scored his best record this season of 47.12 seconds, but finished fifth in the race behind Norwegian sprinter Carsten Warholm, the first and gold medalist, who broke his world record in 45.94 seconds, while American runner Ray Benjamin went down The second place holder and silver under the previous world record also recorded a time of 46.17 seconds, while the Brazilian bronze medalist Alison Dos Santos achieved a record under the 47 seconds barrier of 46.72 seconds.
Samba’s personal record in the 400-meter hurdles is 46.98 seconds, and he achieved it in 2018 during the seventh round of the Diamond League Athletics Championships, which was held in the French capital, Paris.
The Qatari runner confirmed that he was hoping to get a medal in the 400-meter hurdles at the current Olympic Games (Tokyo 2020), but he is not sad after finishing fifth because he did everything he could and participated strongly, even though he was returning from injury.
Samba said, in a press statement, that what he achieved today gives him ambition for the challenge in the future, although he did not achieve the goal he aspired to, which is to win a medal, pointing out that there is a vast difference between what he presented and what the contestants offer, who succeeded in improving their level greatly during the last period. .
He explained that he was suffering from injury in the last period, and that he achieved a good number today after suffering a first-degree muscle rupture, noting that the doctors were expecting that he would not be able to catch up with the Olympics.
The Qatari, runner paid the price for the impressive brilliance of the three-man hurdles in the 400-meter hurdles, which witnessed the breaking of the world record, within the postponed Summer Olympic Games (Tokyo 2020), which is currently being held in the Japanese capital until the eighth of this month.
Samba, 25, returning from injury, scored his best record this season of 47.12 seconds, but finished fifth in the race behind Norwegian sprinter Carsten Warholm, the first and gold medalist, who broke his world record in 45.94 seconds, while American runner Ray Benjamin went down The second place holder and silver under the previous world record also recorded a time of 46.17 seconds, while the Brazilian bronze medalist Alison Dos Santos achieved a record under the 47 seconds barrier of 46.72 seconds.
Samba’s personal record in the 400-meter hurdles is 46.98 seconds, and he achieved it in 2018 during the seventh round of the Diamond League Athletics Championships, which was held in the French capital, Paris.
The Qatari runner confirmed that he was hoping to get a medal in the 400-meter hurdles at the current Olympic Games (Tokyo 2020), but he is not sad after finishing fifth because he did everything he could and participated strongly, even though he was returning from injury.
Samba said, in a press statement, that what he achieved today gives him ambition for the challenge in the future, although he did not achieve the goal he aspired to, which is to win a medal, pointing out that there is a vast difference between what he presented and what the contestants offer, who succeeded in improving their level greatly during the last period. .
He explained that he was suffering from injury in the last period, and that he achieved a good number today after suffering a first-degree muscle rupture, noting that the doctors were expecting that he would not be able to catch up with the Olympics.
The Qatari runner considered that today’s race has become a thing of the past, and that he must now focus and prepare for the upcoming benefits, especially the World Championships next year, and then the 2024 Paris Olympics.
طوكيو: دفع العداء القطري عبدالرحمن صامبا، ثمن تألق رهيب لثلاثي المقدمة في سباق 400 متر حواجز الذي شهد تحطيم الرقم العالمي، وذلك ضمن دورة الألعاب الأولمبية الصيفية المؤجلة /طوكيو 2020/ المقامة حاليا في العاصمة اليابانية حتى الثامن من الشهر الجاري.
وسجل صامبا /25 عاما/ العائد من الإصابة، أفضل رقم له في الموسم الحالي وقدره 47.12 ثانية، لكنه حل خامسا في السباق خلف العداء النرويجي كارستن وارهولم صاحب المركز الأول والميدالية الذهبية، الذي حطم رقمه العالمي مسجلا 45.94 ثانية، فيما نزل العداء الأمريكي راي بنجامين صاحب المركز الثاني والفضية تحت الرقم العالمي السابق أيضا بتسجيله زمنا قدره 46.17 ثانية، بينما حقق صاحب البرونزية البرازيلي أليسون دوس سانتوس رقما تحت حاجز الـ47 ثانية وقدره 46.72 ثانية.
ورقم صامبا الشخصي في سباق 400 متر حواجز هو 46.98 ثانية، وحققه عام 2018 خلال الجولة السابعة من بطولة الدوري الماسي لألعاب القوى والتي أقيمت في العاصمة الفرنسية، باريس.
وأكد العداء القطري أنه كان يتمنى الحصول على ميدالية في سباق 400 متر حواجز بدورة الألعاب الأولمبية الحالية /طوكيو 2020/، لكنه ليس حزينا بعد احتلال المركز الخامس لأنه بذل كل ما بوسعه وشارك بقوة رغم أنه عائد من الإصابة.
وقال صامبا، في تصريح صحفي، إن ما حققه اليوم يمنحه طموحا للتحدي في المستقبل رغم أنه لم يحقق الهدف الذي كان يصبو إليه وهو الفوز بميدالية، لافتا إلى أن هناك فارقا شاسعا بين ما قدمه وما يقدمه المتسابقون الذين نجحوا في تحسين مستواهم كثيرا خلال الفترة الماضية.
وأوضح أنه كان يعاني من الإصابة في الفترة الماضية، وأنه حقق رقما جيدا اليوم بعد الإصابة بتمزق عضلي من الدرجة الأولى، مشيرا إلى أن الأطباء كانوا يتوقعون عدم قدرته على اللحاق بالأولمبياد.
واعتبر العداء القطري أن سباق اليوم أصبح من الماضي، وأنه يجب عليه الآن التركيز والاستعداد لقادم الاستحقاقات، وخاصة بطولة العالم في العام المقبل، وبعد ذلك أولمبياد باريس 2024.