![Boxer dies after injury in world youth championship fight Boxer dies after injury in world youth championship fight](https://wgoqatar.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Ez-INBoWUAUAbJJ-780x470.jpeg)
Boxer dies after injury in world youth championship fight
وفاة ملاكم أردني بعد إصابته في بطولة العالم للشباب
Amman: A 19-year-old boxer from Jordan has died after being seriously injured in a bout at the world youth championships, the International Boxing Association said Tuesday.
Rashed Al-Swaisat was treated in the ring and then hospitalised after being knocked out in his light-heavyweight fight against Estonian boxer Anton Vinogradov on April 16 in Kielce, Poland.
“It is with deep sadness that we learned of the passing of Rashed Al-Swaisat of Jordan, who had been admitted to hospital on April 16 further to his fight during the AIBA Youth World Championships,” AIBA said. “Rashed is in our hearts and in our prayers. Our thoughts are with his family, friends and teammates, to whom we offer our sincere condolences.”
AIBA did not immediately provide more information about the time or circumstances of Al-Swaisat’s death. Polish broadcaster Radio Zet Sport reported that he died Monday at a hospital in Kielce.
Al-Swaisat collapsed in the third and final round of the bout in the preliminary-round, after appearing to have lost the opening two rounds of the bout.
It remains unclear whether his injury was suffered during the fight or was an exacerbation of an existing condition.
Tributes have emerged from the world of boxing following Al-Swaisat’s death, with Dutch Boxing Federation president Boris van der Vorst tweeting: “Today is a sad day for the entire world boxing community, as we acknowledge the untimely passing of a young man, Rashed Al-Swaisat, who was a member of the Jordanian National Boxing Team. My sympathies and prayers are with Rashed’s family and friends. May his soul rest in peace.”
عمان: أعلنت اللجنة الأولمبية بالأردن، الثلاثاء، وفاة لاعب المنتخب الوطني، الملاكم راشد صويصات، متأثرا بإصابته في نزال بطولة العالم للشباب.
وقالت اللجنة في بيان، إن صويصات “انتقل إلى رحمة الله تعالى مساء الإثنين، متأثراً بإصابة تعرّض لها أثناء نزاله مساء الجمعة 16 أبريل/نيسان الجاري في بطولة العالم للشباب والشابات والتي أقيمت بمدينة كالسي البولندية”.
وأضاف البيان: “إذ نعى اللجنة الأولمبية الأردنية ممثلة برئيسها الأمير فيصل بن الحسين وأعضاء مجلس الإدارة والأسرة الرياضية الأردنية، الفقيد صويصات، فإنها تتقدم من أهله وزملائه وأصدقائه بخالص العزاء والمواساة، وتضرع إلى الله جلت قدرته أن يتغمد الفقيد بواسع رحمته ورضوانه”.
وتعرض صويصات (مولود عام 2002) للضربة القاضية أمام لاعب من إستونيا في نزال وزن 81 كيلوغراماً، استدعت دخوله إلى المستشفى لإجراء جراحة عاجلة، وفق ما ذكرت صحف محلية.