Formula One cancels Singapore, Japan and Azerbaijan races due to pandemic
فورمولا 1 تلغي سباقات سنغافورة واليابان وأذربيجان بسبب الجائحة
Formula One has canceled races in Singapore, Japan and Azerbaijan for the 2020 season due to the coronavirus pandemic, which has forced countries into lockdowns and scuttled international travel plans.
“These decisions have been taken due to the different challenges our promoters face in those countries,” the organizer said in a statement Friday. “In Singapore and Azerbaijan, the long lead times required to construct street circuits made hosting the events during a period of uncertainty impossible, and in Japan, ongoing travel restrictions also led to the decision not to proceed with the race.”
The move comes as countries continue to tackle the coronavirus outbreak, which has infected more than 7.5 million people worldwide and claimed more than 420,000 lives so far. Several countries have started to ease lockdown measures in a bid to revitalize economies, some before their virus cases have ebbed. Most have cautioned it will take a long time to fully recover.
It’s the first time in 12 years that Singapore will not host a Formula One race. As Asia’s only night race, a unique feature in the F1 calendar, the three-day Singapore Grand Prix has become the city-state’s biggest event of the year and a significant tourist attraction.
Typically held in September, international celebrities, politicians and top business leaders from Europe and Asia descend on the Lion City to party, mingle and network, sipping cocktails while watching race cars zoom across the city’s financial district. Last year, the 61-lap night race drew about 268,000 spectators, the second-highest attendance since the event started in 2008. A contract was signed in 2017 to extend the event for another four years till 2021.
With no race this year, it means one of the event’s biggest side attractions — concerts helmed previously by international pop-stars such as Kylie Minogue, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Muse — will not be going ahead either.
The city-state, which has slowed its coronavirus spread with two months of severe restrictions on public movement, is slowly emerging out of a two-month lockdown and plans to re-open almost its entire economy by the end of this month.
Previously held at the Fuji Speedway track against the backdrop of Mount Fuji, the Japanese Grand Prix was moved to the Suzuka race course since 2009. Japan’s event was scheduled for October 11 but there were doubts the race would go on after ticket sales were suspended in April.
Prior to the cancellation, the Azerbaijan Grand Prix was initially postponed from its original date of June 7. Races have been held there since 2017 at the Baku City Circuit.
منظمو بطولة العالم لسباقات الفورمولا واحد يعلنون إلغاء مجموعة من السباقات.
لم تتمكن سنغافورة واذربيجان من الانتهاء من بناء الحلبات
أعلنت بطولة العالم لسباقات سيارات الفئة الأولى الفورمولا 1، اليوم الجمعة، أنه تقرر إلغاء سباقات الجائزة الكبرى في أذربيجان، سنغافورة واليابان، للموسم الحالي 2020 وذلك بسبب فيروس كورونا “كوفيد-19”.
ولم يحدث أي تغيير في روزنامة الموسم الحالي حيث يقول المنظمون إن الموسم سيتضمن بين 15 و18 سباقاً.
ويأمل المنظمون نشر جدول البطولة النهائي قبل السباق الافتتاحي المقرر في النمسا بين 3 و5 تموز/يوليو المقبل.
ولم تتمكن سنغافورة واذربيجان من الانتهاء من بناء الحلبات بسبب “كوفيد-19″، أما في اليابان، دفعت القيود المفروضة على السفر المنظمين لإلغاء الحدث.
وأوضحت البطولة أن هناك مدن جديدة أبدت رغبتها في أن تكون مقراً لأحد سباقات موسم 2020.