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Industrial Area opening starts with three streets

بدء افتتاح الجزء المغلق في المنطقة الصناعية بثلاث شوارع

Gulf Times – Ayman Adly

The gradual opening of the closed part of Industrial Area began Wednesday, starting with Streets 1 and 2 and Al Wakalat Street.

The roads were opened for business Wednesday morning after remaining shut for around 35 days as part of the State’s efforts to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) and protect the health and safety of the inhabitants there.

Last month, the area stretching from the north side of Street 1 to the south side of Street 32 in the Old Industrial Area, and from the east side of the Industrial Area main road to the west side of the water tank road, was shut down for two weeks, which was later extended.

On Monday, HE the Spokesperson of the Supreme Committee for Crisis Management Lolwah bint Rashid bin Mohamed AlKhater announced that the gradual opening of the closed part of Industrial Area would begin on April 22.

Accordingly, security barriers blocking the entrances to these streets were removed and the flow of traffic returned to normal there. Besides, most of the companies and shops started reopening their doors Wednesday in order to resume business.

The reopening of Streets 1 and 2 and Al Wakalat Street has raised the hopes of inhabitants, workers and business owners in the area for brighter days ahead. They expressed their thanks to the government for taking excellent care of them and paying great attention to their safety all through these difficult times.

The Ministry of Interior (MoI), in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health, charities, volunteers and other relevant entities in the country, have ensured the uninterrupted supply of essential goods and services for the well-being workers and inhabitants there all through the closure period.

For instance, the area has enjoyed a steady supply of food products through the different shops located there. Besides, charitable organisations and donors have continued to distribute free meals and considerable quantities of basic food items among workers. The authorities concerned have been taking the necessary steps to ensure the safety of such products.

Also, workers in the area have given good quantities of sanitisers, soaps, gloves, face masks and personal hygiene products.

The Ministry of Municipality and Environment, in co-operation with other agencies, has sanitised and disinfected the entire area and its streets besides maintaining general cleanliness.

Ambulances as well as mobile and fixed clinics have provided the due healthcare for workers and some 6,500 workers were shifted to precautionary health quarantine facilities from April 14 to 17 for the safety of the area. The situation is still being monitored closely by the entities concerned until the entire area is declared free of infection.

As reported recently, massive efforts are under way in the Industrial Area as part of the government’s plans to ensure adequate and quality medical care for workers. The area will get three field hospitals, which will carry out tests and extend medical care to the workers there, according to a health official.

Workers have also been given access to money exchange facilities to enable them to send money easily to their home countries.

The MoI recently organised a field tour of the closed part of the Industrial Area for the media and heads and representatives of different expatriate communities to see for themselves the situation on the ground and check the excellent services provided to their compatriots.

Accordingly, the community heads appreciated the efforts exerted by the government in this regard and thanked Qatar for the high-quality care given to expatriate workers completely free of charge.

Work will continue to open the remaining part of the area based on the medical situation in the interests of the people, HE AlKhater had told a press conference on Monday.

source: gulf-times

الدوحة – العرب

بدأ اليوم الأربعاء الافتتاح التدريجي للجزء المغلق من المنطقة الصناعية والذي شمل شوارع 1، 2، والوكالات، وذلك بناء على قرار اللجنة العليا لإدارة الأزمات.

وشهدت تلك الشوارع، انتشاراً من قبل رجال الشرطة والمرور، وسبق ذلك عمليات تعقيم للشركات والمنشآت المتواجدة في المنطقة.

والاثنين الماضي، أعلنت اللجنة العليا لإدارة الأزمات أن الافتتاح التدريجي للجزء المغلق من المنطقة الصناعة سيبدأ اليوم الأربعاء.

وقالت سعادة السيدة لولوة بنت راشد بن محمد الخاطر المتحدث الرسمي باسم اللجنة العليا لإدارة الأزمات في المؤتمر الصحفي الدوري مساء الاثنين، إن العمل مستمر لافتتاح باقي المنطقة المغلقة وفقا لما تحدده المعطيات الطبية وتقتضيه المصلحة العامة.

وكشفت سعادتها أنه تم نقل ما يقرب من 6500 عامل في تلك المنطقة خلال الفترة ما بين 14 و17 أبريل الجاري وذلك في إطار الإعداد لهذا الافتتاح الجزئي للجزء المغلق من المنطقة الصناعة.

المصدر: alarab

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