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China: Man abducted as a toddler meets dad 58 years later

الصين: مخطوف يلتقي والده لأول مرة منذ ٥٨ عامًا

News Agencies

Beijing: Fu, 60, was reunited with his 90-year-old dad, surnamed Luo, in the city of Zaozhuang in the eastern Chinese province of Shandong this week. He was abducted from a railway station when he was two

A man who was abducted as a toddler at a railway station has finally met his dad after being apart for 58 years.

Fu, now aged 60, was reunited with his 90-year-old dad, surnamed Luo, in the city of Zaozhuang in the eastern Chinese province of Shandong this week.

The city’s public security department released images of the heartwarming reunion on Tuesday.

As he met his dad, Fu closely hugged Luo, getting down on his knees and bursting into tears, photos show.

Luo said he lost sight of his two-year-old son at a railway station in the district of Xuecheng in 1963 when he was waiting for a train.

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Luo was emotional when he met his son
The 90-year-old was emotional when he saw his son after 58 years (Image: AsiaWire)
He said he momentarily let go of his son’s hand and a few minutes after that he realised Fu had disappeared.

The boy is believed to have been abducted by human traffickers who took him to Shanghai where he was then adopted by a couple.


بكين: اجتمع صيني في الستينيات من عمره بوالده لأول مرة في حياته، وذلك بعد 58 عامًا من خطفه.

وكان «فو» «60 عامًا» لا يزال رضيعًا عندما تم اختطافه من والده في محطة سكة حديد بمنطقة «شويتشينغ» الصينية عام 1963. وقال الأب «لوو» «90 عامًا» إنه كان قد ترك يد ابنه للحظات قبل أن يختفي في غضون دقائق. وقالت صحيفة «ميرور» البريطانية، إنه تم لمّ شمل الأب وابنه بعد 58 عامًا، يوم الثلاثاء الماضي في مدينة «تساوتشوانغ».

ويُعتقد أن مهربي بشر اختطفوا «فو» وذهبوا به إلى شنغهاي، حيث تم تبنيه من قِبل زوجين، وكان «لوو» وعائلته في رحلة بحث عن «فو» لسنوات عدة مستعينين بالصحف ووسائل الإعلام ومواقع التواصل الاجتماعي.

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