No critical cases reported at HMC during Eid holidays
حمد الطبية: لم يتم الإبلاغ عن حالات حرجة خلال عطلة العيد
Hamad Medical Corporation’s main Emergency Department at Hamad General Hospital (HGH) treated at least 1,524 cases during the first three days of Eid Al Fitr due to several reasons including stomach ailments, respiratory problems and trauma.
The Emergency Department at Al Wakra Hospital treated around 656 cases in the first three days of Eid. The Ambulance Service at HMC the Pediatric Emergency Centres (PEC) received hundreds of patients but all were simple routine ones with no critical cases reported from any of the departments.
Many of them were minor and moderate cases and sent home after treatment on the same day, Dr Galal Alessai, consultant, Emergency Medicine and vice-chairman of Corporate Affairs at HMC Emergency Department told The Peninsula.
“Cases received both at HGH and Al Wakra Emergency Department were not serious or critical and most of them were simple or routine ones related to digestive and respiratory diseases. Among them very few were admitted for continues treatment and others were treated and sent back home,” said Dr Alessai.
“As we were well prepared to receive patients during the Eid holidays everything was smooth. The team with specialised doctors, nurses and paramedics, we ensure that operations are not affected and patients are given the best care,” he added
On the third day of Eid, the Emergency Department at HGH had treated a total of 232 patients between 6am and 6pm.
Only four patients were admitted to the hospital for further treatment.
Emergency Department at Wakra Hospital had treated a total of 232 patients with 141 male and 91 female patients. “All the cases at Al Wakra Hospital on the third day of Eid were also simple and mild cases related to digestive and respiratory diseases. Among them six were admitted and others were treated and sent back home,” added Dr Alessai.
The PECs received about 1,735 cases yesterday all across the country. Among them, Al Sadd centre recorded 1,008 patients; Al Rayyan Centre 450; Airport Centre 175; Al Daayen 87 and Al Shamal Centre 15. Most of the cases were related to general or minor ones and there were no critical cases.
The rush at the PECs was similar to any other ordinary day and at some centres it was lesser than the normal days, said Dr Mohamed Al Amiri, deputy director, Paediatric Emergency Department, HMC.
“Most cases we saw at all PEC were due complaints similar to fever and respiratory problems. All were minor or moderate cases and none required hospital admission,” he added.
During all three days the Ambulance Service has covered all major areas including — Al Wakrah, Souq Waqif, Katara, Sealine beach and Simaisma beach among other places. In addition, the entertainment areas as well as malls were also monitored by the service.
When Eid Al Fitr festivities were approaching, HMC had cautioned people against road accidents. HMC’s Hamad Trauma Center has urged motorists to practice safe driving on roads, especially during the Eid holidays.
The centre offered recommendations to safeguard against road injuries and avoidable deaths, during this period. It advised drivers and all passengers must wear seat belts on every trip; this is the only proven way to prevent severe injuries and death in motor vehicle crashes.
HMC has also has previously advised to prevent stomach and intestinal disorders during Eid celebrations. It advised people to avoid salty food, sugary and caffeinated drinks, and heavy fatty foods, which can cause gastrointestinal disturbances.
People were also asked to keep hydrated throughout the day, choose healthy options like small portions of low-calorie, nutrient-dense food such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats. All emergency and inpatient services across HMC’s network of hospitals will operate as usual, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Emergency Departments at HGH, Al Wakra Hospital, The Cuban Hospital and Al Khor Hospital will all remain open 24-hours on all days. Heart Hospital’s Emergency Department (for cardiac patients only), the National Center for Cancer Care and Research’s (NCCCR) Urgent Care Center (for patients with symptoms associated with ongoing cancer treatments), and the Women’s Wellness and Research Center’s Emergency Department (for obstetrical or gynecological emergencies) will also operate as per normal timings. Dialysis services will also operate as per normal timings, as will Pediatric Emergency Centers.
Patients have been urged to visit their designated primary health centres for non-emergency health problems.
By Fazeena Saleem I The Peninsula
استقبلت أقسام الطوارئ التابعة لمؤسسة حمد الطبية للبالغين والأطفال، في رابع أيام عيد الفطر من الساعة السادسة صباحاً وحتى السادسة مساء، 2331 حالة كانت أغلبها حالات بسيطة، فيما تم تنويم 10 حالات في كل من مستشفيي حمد العام والوكرة، بينما تلقت خدمة الإسعاف التابعة لحمد الطبية 240 بلاغاً منها 4 حوادث وكانت غالبية الحالات بسيطة.
وفى هذا السياق أكد الدكتور جلال صالح العيسائي – استشاري طب الطوارئ والسموم، ونائب الرئيس للشؤون المؤسسية بقسم الطوارئ في مؤسسة حمد الطبية، أن طوارئ مستشفى حمد العام استقبلت أمس، من الساعة السادسة صباحاً وحتى السادسة مساء، 502 حالة، من بينها 380 رجلاً، و122 سيدة، لافتاً إلى أنه تم تنويم 6 حالات بالمستشفى لأسباب باطنية وقلبية وجراحات.
وأشار د. العيسائي إلى أن طوارئ مستشفى الوكرة استقبلت 235 حالة، من بينها 140 رجلاً و95 سيدة، فضلاً عن تنويم 4 حالات بالمستشفى لأسباب طبية مختلفة أيضاً، موضحاً أن عدد المراجعين لأقسام الطوارئ أقل نسبياً مقارنة بالأعوام الماضية، مرجعاً ذلك إلى انتشار الوعي بين السكان بشأن المشكلات الصحية التي تنتشر في الأعياد، كعسر الهضم والاضطراب المعوي، داعياً أصحاب الحالات البسيطة إلى التوجه للمراكز الصحية التي تعمل خلال أيام إجازة العيد.
وقال الدكتور محمد العامري مدير طوارئ الأطفال بمؤسسة حمد الطبية، إن أقسام طوارئ الأطفال استقبلت في رابع أيام عيد الفطر 1594 حالة منها، 917 حالة في طوارئ السد، و441 حالة في طوارئ الريان، و156 حالة في طوارئ المطار، و73 حالة في طوارئ الظعاين، و7 حالات فقط في طوارئ الشمال.
وقال السيد أحمد البكري – مدير العمليات والعلاقات العامة لخدمة الإسعاف بمؤسسة حمد الطبية-، «إن عدد سيارات الإسعاف التي تعمل خلال فترة العيد تبلغ 98 سيارة، بالإضافة إلى خدمة الإسعاف الطائر، لافتاً إلى أن عدد البلاغات التي تلقتها خدمة الإسعاف، أمس، في رابع أيام العيد، بلغت 250 بلاغاً أغلبها حالات مرضية عادية، إضافة إلى 3 حوادث مرور حرجة.
وأوضح البكري أنه تم نقل 3 حالات من طرف الإسعاف الطائر من المناطق الجنوبية والشمالية، لافتاً إلى أن خدمة الإسعاف تعمل على تغطية مناطق الفعاليات التي تكتظ بالجمهور مثل «كتارا» وسوق واقف وسوق الوكرة القديم ومنطقة شواطئ سميسمة وسيلين، إضافة إلى تغطية احتفالات الجاليات في المنطقة الصناعية وصناعية الخور، وفي مختلف أماكن تجمع الجماهير حفاظاً على سلامتهم.