
Call to take medical aid for chronic health issues before camping
نصائح لتخييم آمن لأصحاب الأمراض المزمنة
Doha: With the Qatar camping season now at its peak, Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) has urged the public, particularly those who have chronic health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, and heart disease, to take precautions and consult their doctor before going camping.
Dr. Yousef Al Tayeb, Consultant in Emergency Medicine at HMC’s Hamad General Hospital, said individuals who have chronic conditions that require medication should take a sufficient supply of their medicine with them before departing for the desert. He has also recommended eating a balanced diet further saying that healthy eating and adherence to medication regimes are important factors for guarding against many of the potential health risks associated with camping.
“Individuals with chronic health conditions, including those with asthma and allergies, could be at an increased risk of health complications when camping. These individuals are advised to avoid exposure to fire smoke and dust as both can trigger allergic reactions and lead to serious health complications. All campers are advised not to burn wood or charcoal inside their tent, or in an enclosed space, due to the high risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Carbon monoxide has no taste, color or smell, but it can be fatal when inhaled in large amounts. Carbon monoxide poisoning has flu-like symptoms, including a headache, dizziness, nausea, and shortness of breath, and can cause loss of consciousness, suffocation, and even death,” said Dr. Al Tayeb. He added that campers with asthma and allergies who have not yet received the flu vaccine should be immunized at least two weeks before going camping, as they are more vulnerable to health complications associated with weather changes.
“Flu vaccines can help reduce the risk of contracting viral infections, which could trigger asthma symptoms. Asthma patients and those with allergies should carry prescribed medications with them and take them as directed. When necessary, individuals with asthma and allergies should use a face mask to protect against dust and fire smoke, and as a precautionary measure, anti-inflammatory medications (cortisone inhalers/nebulizers) are recommended to help prevent asthma attacks,” added Dr. Al Tayeb.
Dr. Farouq Al Rawi, Emergency Medicine Consultant at HMC’s Al Wakrah Hospital, said there are a number of steps which individuals with chronic conditions, such as diabetes, can take to help protect their health while camping. He said with the right precautions, there is no reason why most individuals cannot safely enjoy camping.
“Diabetics should consult their doctor before travelling to camping sites, as there may be factors that could require changes to medication timing and dosage. Campers with diabetes are also advised to continually monitor their blood glucose level to avoid potential complications that can result from changes to diet and activity level. Eating in moderation is always recommended for diabetics, but this is particularly important when camping as a change in routine can increase the risk of diabetic complications, including diabetic coma. When planning to camp, it is important to take sufficient amounts of medication, especially insulin, and to ensure that all medicine is safely stored,” said Dr. Farouq.
Those with heart conditions, such as coronary artery disease, have also been advised to seek medical advice before going camping. Most individuals with epilepsy can safely camp, provided they take their medication as prescribed. However, those who have recurring seizures or uncontrolled epilepsy, or other conditions that require close medical observation, are recommended to avoid camping.
نصح الدكتور يوسف الطيب استشاري طب الطوارئ بمستشفى حمد العام-، ذوي الأمراض المزمنة الراغبين في الذهاب للتخييم خاصةً مرضى الربو وأمراض الحساسية بتجنب التعرض للدخان والغبار الذي يزيد من أعراض الحساسية لديهم، والناتج عن إشعال الحريق والحطب خاصةً داخل الخيم والأماكن المغلقة، والذي ينتج عنه انبعاث غاز أول أكسيد الكربون عديم الرائحة وتظهر أعراضه في صورة مماثلة لأعراض الإنفلونزا تبدأ بالغثيان والصداع والدوار وضيق التنفس وقد تستمر الأعراض في التصاعد حتى فقدان النفس والوفاة.
كما يجب على مرضى الربو والحساسية أخذ تطعيم ولقاح الإنفلونزا قبل الذهاب للبر بفترة تتراوح من أسبوع لأسبوعين لكونهم عرضة أكثر من غيرهم لتقلبات الجو بشكل كبير ؛ حيث يساعد لقاح الإنفلونزا بشكل كبير على التقليل من الالتهابات الفيروسية والتهابات الربو، ويجب أيضاً أن يصطحبوا معهم أدويتهم والالتزام بتناولها في مواعيدها المحددة ، واستعمال أقنعة واقية من الغبار والدخان، ويفضل تناول بخاخات الكورتيزون الموضعي الوقائي بشكل منتظم خلال فترة التخييم.
من جانبه قدم الدكتور فاروق الراوي استشاري طب الطوارئ بمستشفى الوكرة- بعض النصائح المفيدة لمرضى السكري من أجل الاستمتاع بأوقات مميزة وآمنة خلال موسم التخييم وتجنب التعرض لمضاعفات صحية وتتمثل تلك النصائح في ضرورة استشارة الطبيب المعالج ، حيث تتطلب التغيرات المناخية التي قد يتعرض لها مريض السكري بالبر تعديل جرعة العلاج، كما يجب على المريض أيضاً مراقبة مستوى السكر بالدم بصورة مستمرة خلال فترة التخييم من خلال اصطحاب جهاز فحص السكري.