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💉 Health

5 benefits to cupping

أبرز 5 فوائد للحجامة للرجال والنساء

Cupping seems to be all the rage these days. With Olympians sporting big, round bruises on their backs and shoulders, and our very own Prime Minister Justin Trudeau showing similar marks on his arms, the 50000-year old ancient healing method is certainly coming back into the limelight. The practice originated from Chinese culture, and has been popular in Arab, Indian, and more recently, Western cultures over the past few decades.

What is it? It is a safe and non-invasive procedure that is said not only to cure many diseases, but also prevent them. Cupping can help relieve headaches, back pain, arthritis, injuries, asthma, cellulite, fatigue, anemia, depression and emotional problems, atrophy, sciatica, common cold and flu, skin problems, blood pressure, menstruation problems in women, weight loss, infertility, constipation, diarrhea, and more. The plus side? It has no side effects if performed properly.

How does it work? Cupping involves placing glass, bamboo or plastic jars on the skin and creating a vacuum by suctioning out the air. The underlying tissue is raised, or sucked, partway into the cup. The purpose of cupping is to enhance circulation, help relieve pain, and pull out the toxins that have built up in your body over those late night snacks, Netflix binges, and lack of care for your overall health. (Guilty!) The cups create a tight sensation, one that feels relaxing and rather soothing.

There are five main benefits to the ancient healing procedure, one that can benefit anyone looking for any type of relief from bodily pain:

1. Detox, Detox, Detox

The main cause of many illnesses is the accumulation of acidic toxins and impurities in the blood. It’s difficult to stay healthy when the blood circulating in your body is full of toxic waste. However, cupping claims to help get rid of this unwanted and harmful blood, improving the performance of your body organs. With purified blood flowing in your body, you can prevent sickness and recover quickly if ill. The effect of this cleansing treatment is quite visible after a few treatments. Dull complexions will be a thing of the past!

2. Circulates and appreciates

Your health is dependent on the circulation of blood and bodily fluids such as hormones and lymphatic fluid. Your body suffers a lot if the flow of these fluids are somehow restricted from their regular movement. Cupping can draw out the congested blood and increase the circulation of blood and plasma. When blood reaches all your organs properly, your body functions are better regulated, making those flights of stairs a lot easier to walk up.

3. Cures the common cold

Cupping can also strengthen the body’s resistance against illnesses by improving your immune system. It kicks off the defensive mechanism of your body. When small incisions are made on the skin, the defensive cells get activated to heal the bruised area. This prepares your body to fight against diseases and prevent illnesses. However, it is important to keep up with other health practices, such as drinking lots of fluids, in conjunction with cupping therapy.

4. Regulates your systems

Performing cupping on corresponding points on the body is used to treat disorders such as liver and kidney problems, respiratory diseases, digestive disorders and some gynaecological disorders. Due to its strengthening and stimulating effects, it has been used successfully to regulate body systems and treat several conditions.

5. Less ows, and more wows

One of the biggest advantages of cupping is in reducing pain and stiffness of muscles and tendons. It removes stagnated blood from the area of discomfort and increases the flow of detoxified blood, allowing fresh nutrients and oxygen to reach those areas and giving instant relief. This can result in increased elasticity of your muscles and better performance of body organs.

تعتبر الحجامة من الأدوية النبوية الطبيعية التي وردت في الطب النبوي، وهي تحقق نتائج جيدة في الشفاء من العديد من الأمراض، وفي القدم كان لها دور مهم لإنقاذ حياة الكثيرين.

فوائد الحجامة للرجال:

1- تخلص من الشد العضلي، تنشط الدورة الدموية.

2- تعتبر الحجامة علاجاً فعالاً للمدخنين، إذ أنها تقوم بسحب السموم من الجسم.

3- تزيد من كثافة الشعر وتقوية البصيلات.

موانع عمل الحجامة:

يوصى بتجنب الحجامة بالحالات التالية:

1- المصابين بمرض الكبد.

2- لمن يعانون من السكري، وسيولة الدم.

3- لا يجوز عمل الحجامة بعد تناول الطعام مباشرة، وإنما الانتظار لساعتين على الأقل.

4-للمصابين بارتفاع درجة الحرارة أو انخفاضها أو الرشح أو أي مرض آخر إلا بعد الشفاء منه.

5-لمرضى تمزق الأربطة تجنب عملها على المنطقة المصابة.

فوائد الحجامة للنساء:

1- تعالج الروماتيزم وآلام الرقبة والأكتاف، وتيبس المفاصل، والشلل.

2- تعالج بعض المشاكل النفسيّة، والإحساس المستمر بالتعب.

3- تنشط الدورة الدموية، وتوازن عمل الهرمونات بالجسم.

4- تشجع الغدد على القيام بوظائفها، تخلص الأعصاب من الضغط الذي قد ينتج بفعل الاحتباس الدموي.

5- تشجع الكبد والبنكرياس على القيام بعملهما.

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