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MoL: 200 nationals recruited in private sector in May

وزارة العمل: تعيين 200 موظفًا قطريًا خلال شهر مايو


Doha: The Ministry of Labour (MoL) announced the recruitment of 200 male and female job seekers in the private sector during the month of May 2022.

MoL, in statement, stated that the recruitments  were distributed among the finance and insurance sectors, 73 jobs, energy and industry 64 jobs, the ICT sector 12 jobs, services and transportation 41 jobs, real estate and contracting 4 jobs, and private institutions 6 jobs.

In its Statistical Bulletin, MoL revealed that 10 companies and institutions cooperated with the ministry by employing citizens during May.

Each of Qatar National Bank offered  52 jobs, Commercial Bank 5 jobs, and Ahli Bank  2 jobs.

Dlala Brokerage and Investment Holding offered  4 jobs, Qatar Airways 37 jobs, Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development 3 jobs, Woqod 8 jobs, Qatar Steel 5 jobs, Ooredoo 8  jobs, and beIN Sport 3 jobs.

The ministry’s efforts since the beginning of the year have contributed to the employment of 729 male and female citizens in private sector companies and institutions, distributed as follows: 103 citizens during January, 114 citizens in February, 120 citizens in March, 192 citizens in April, and 200 citizens during May.

MoL’s statistical bulletin of May, which reflect the most prominent statistics and figures of the Labour sector in Qatar, as well as the results of inspection visits to various establishments, showed that the ministry received about 6,091 applications for new recruitment, 3,640 applications were approved, and 2451 applications were rejected, while the total number of applications to change the professions neared 2,896 applications, of which 2,863 applications were approved and only 33 applications were rejected.

According to the bulletin issued, the number of requests for work permits submitted  in May 2022 amounted to about 1,548 requests, including 845 requests to renew the permit, 515 requests to issue a new permit, 186 requests to cancel issued permits, while the ministry received two requests to issue a replacement.

In terms of inspection visits to recruitment offices, the statistical bulletin showed that the ministry carried out about 33 inspection visits on recruitment offices, which resulted in banning 3 offices, and issuing one warning.

In May, the Labour Inspection Department conducted intensive inspection campaigns to monitor establishments ‘compliance with the laws and ministerial decisions concerned with regulating labour market in the country. The campaigns resulted in 4,262 inspection visits in various regions, and resulted in detecting 559 violations and a recommendation to ban 39 establishments, while the number of notice of violation removal issued to companies amounted to 525 notices.

For labour complaints, the statistical bulletin showed that the Department of Labour Relations received, through the unified platform, complaints from the workers against their establishments amounting to 2,068 complaints, of which 318 complaints were settled, 20 complaints were referred, and about 1,730 complaints remained under the procedure.


الدوحة: أعلنت وزارة العمل عن تعيين 200موظفًا قطريًا خلال شهر مايو كحصيلة للتوطين في القطاع الخاص. 

وأوضحت النشرة الإحصائية لوزارة العمل التي تتضمن أبرز إحصائيات وأرقام قطاع العمل بالدولة،، أن التعيينات توزعت على قطاعات المال والتأمين “73” وظيفة، والطاقة والصناعة “64” وظيفة، ثم قطاع الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات “12” وظيفة، والخدمات والنقل “41” وظيفة، والعقارات والمقاولات “4” وظائف، والمؤسسات الخاصة “6” وظائف.

وذكرت الوزارة في هذا السياق أن أبرز الشركات والمؤسسات الأكثر تعاونا بتوظيف المواطنين لديها خلال أبريل الماضي هي كل من: بنك قطر الوطني “52” وظائف، والخطوط الجوية القطرية 37 وظيفة.

كما أشارت الوزارة إلى ان إجمالي عدد القطريين بتعيين المواطنين في القطاع الخاص بلغ 729 موظفا.

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