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QIB Wins 4 Prestigious Awards from The Digital Banker Magazine

المصرف يحصد 4 جوائز من مجلة “ذا ديجيتال بانكر”


Doha: Qatar Islamic Bank (QIB) announced its recognition with four prestigious awards at The Digital Bankers – Middle East and Africa Innovation Awards 2022, and Digital Customer Experience Awards 2022 – for its outstanding leadership in digital innovation.

QIB was awarded “Best Bank for Cash Management” and “Outstanding Account Opening and Onboarding Initiative in Qatar” at The Digital Banker Middle East and Africa Innovation Awards for its efforts in supporting customers cash management requirements, as well as its leading digital cash management solutions for SMEs and large corporations, in addition to its best-in-class Mobile App and digital onboarding initiatives for new individual and corporate customers.

Customers can start a relationship with the bank by opening their accounts in a fast, simple, and convenient way from the comfort of their home or office. The digital onboarding process allows prospective customers to open a Current, Savings, Student, Domestic Worker, Corporate and SME or Misk accounts exclusively via QIBs digital channels. Moreover, Corporate and SMEs can open new accounts through QIB Website as part of the banks efforts to simplify the corporate account opening process.

Furthermore, QIB received “Best Digital Bank for Customer Experience in Qatar” and “Best Islamic Bank for Digital Customer Experience in Qatar” at The Digital Bankers Digital Customer Experience Awards 2022. These awards are a testament to QIBs investment in digital banking and its commitment to providing a seamless customer experience. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, QIB was at the forefront in mitigating the impact of the pandemic allowing customers to fulfil their banking needs through the Banks innovative digital products and services. With a simplified and more user-friendly experience, QIB launched a new version of its Mobile App with numerous features and a smarter and more intuitive User Experience.

QIB is the first Bank in Qatar to introduce a Digital Onboarding solution on its Mobile App, allowing customers to start a relationship with the Bank by opening a savings or current account within minutes.

Additionally, QIB launched the first Video Banking service in Qatar through its Mobile App and introduced more features to “Zaki”, the first AI virtual assistant in Qatar, offering customers more control of their banking needs from anywhere around the globe. QIB launched the first of-its-kind solution in Qatar enabling customers to transfer funds to overseas Visa cards in near real-time through the Mobile App. Visa Direct is currently available to over 30 countries in the MENA Region, Europe, and Asia.

The Digital Banker Awards recognize the regions preeminent financial institutions that blend the best technology and innovation to provide superior customer experience, products, and services, raising the bar in excellence and redefining financial services. The awards are globally acclaimed and co-judged by leading consultancies and seminal subject matter experts internationally, who review submissions and name winners against a stringent set of awards criteria.


الدوحة: حصد مصرف قطر الإسلامي (المصرف)  4 جوائز ضمن جوائز الابتكار في الشرق الأوسط وإفريقيا وجوائز تجربة العملاء الرقمية لعام 2022 والتي تقدمها مجلة “ذا ديجيتال بانكر”، تقديراً لتميزه وريادته في مجال الابتكار الرقمي والخدمات المصرفية.

وقال بيان صادر عن المصرف، اليوم، إن الحصول على جائزتي “أفضل بنك لإدارة الأموال” و”المبادرة الرقمية المميزة لفتح الحساب” في قطر ضمن جوائز الابتكار في الشرق الأوسط وإفريقيا، يأتي تقديراً لجهوده في دعم متطلبات إدارة الأموال للعملاء الأفراد، فضلاً عن الحلول الرقمية في مجال إدارة الأموال للشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة والشركات الكبرى، بالإضافة إلى تقديم أفضل تطبيق جوال في فئته، وخدمة فتح الحساب رقمياً المتوفرة للعملاء الجدد من الأفراد عبر التطبيق والشركات عبر الموقع الالكتروني.

كما حصل المصرف على جائزتي “أفضل بنك رقمي لتجربة العملاء في قطر” وجائزة “أفضل بنك إسلامي في قطر يقدم تجربة رقمية للعملاء” في حفل توزيع تجربة العملاء الرقمية من “ذا ديجيتال بانكر” لعام 2022.

وتكرم مجلة “ذا ديجيتال بانكر” المؤسسات المالية البارزة في المنطقة والتي تجمع بين أفضل التقنيات والابتكار. وتحظى جوائز مجلة ذا ديجيتال بانكر بشهرة عالمية واسعة، ويتم منحها بشكل مشترك من قبل استشاريين بارزين وخبراء دوليين متخصصين في الصيرفة، حيث يقومون بمراجعة الطلبات المقدمة، واختيار أسماء الفائزين وفقاً لمعايير دقيقة وصارمة.

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