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Six violation reports issued against street vendors

تحرير 6 محاضر ضبط للباعة المتجولين المخالفين

Gulf Times

Doha: The Ministry of Commerce & Industry (MoCI), in co-operation with the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Municipality, conducted joint inspection campaigns on street vendors in Al Mukaynis and Umm Al Zubar.

These inspection campaigns resulted in the issuance of six violation reports against a number of street vendors for contravening the laws and practising activities without a commercial licence, the MoCI said in a statement. The violators were referred to the relevant authorities to take legal action against them.

The inspection campaigns come as part of the MoCI’s efforts to monitor the degree of compliance with laws and regulations governing commercial activities in a bid to uncover and punish violations and infringements.

In this regard, the ministry stressed that it would not tolerate any negligence in terms of meeting obligations stipulated in Law No 5 of 2015 on Commercial, Industrial and Similar Public Shops, and Street Vendors, as well as non-compliance with Ministerial Resolution No 243 of 2016 on the licensing requirements and regulations to engage in street vendor activities.

The ministry further said it would intensify its inspection campaigns to curb such practices and would refer any party that violated laws and ministerial decisions to the relevant authorities, who would respond appropriately against violators to protect consumer rights.

The MoCI also urged all citizens and residents to report any violations or infractions related to registration and commercial licensing through the call centre: 16001, Twitter: @MOCIQATAR, or Instagram: MOCIQATAR


نفذت وزارة التجارة والصناعة بالتعاون مع وزارة الداخلية ووزارة البلدية، حملات تفتيشية استهدفت الباعة المتجولين في منطقتي مكينس وأم الزبار.

وأوضحت وزارة التجارة والصناعة – عبر حسابها على تويتر – أن الحملات التفتيشية أسفرت عن تحرير 6 محاضر ضبط للباعة المتجولين المخالفين وتمت إحالتهم للجهات المختصة لاتخاذ الإجراءات القانونية.

وتأتي هذه الإجراءات نظراً لعدم التزامهم بالقانون رقم (5) لسنة 2015 بشأن المحال التجارية والصناعية والعامة المماثلة والباعة المتجولين.

وتنص المادة رقم (21) على أنه: “لا يجوز مزاولة نشاط بائع متجول إلا بعد الحصول على ترخيص بذلك من الإدارة المختصة.”

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