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😎 LifeStyle🧥Fashion🇶🇦 DOHA

The Oddinary Collection .. Refashioning The Meaning of Ordinary

There is a saying that the flapping of a butterfly’s wings in one place can cause a hurricane effect on the other side of the world. While technically speaking this may not generally be the case, it is exemplar of the butterfly effect, and the core foundation of a new clothing brand in Qatar called, Little Things Co. The founders of the brand Aisha Kazi & Naseehah Ummer, strongly believe in the idea that tiny changes in complex systems can create a rippling effect, in turn creating a big impact. Their aim is to make a difference in one of the most complex systems we live in, the world. They aspire to bring this change through the lens of fashion, and the little purchases of their customers.

This new clothing brand launched under the Planet Fashion Group in Qatar, caters to both men and women. However, it is their brand ethos and efforts to raise awareness about social issues that makes them standout as the first socially conscious clothing brand in Qatar.

Each collection at Little Things Co is thoughtfully designed to reflect the work of an organization and/or the respective social cause they want to raise awareness about. Every design is brought to life with a careful selection of the best quality fabrics and workmanship. Their clothes are meant to initiate conversations among people and make the customers the protagonist in the movement of change. Moreover, part of the profits from each collection are pledged to support a project within the organizations they spotlight.

The brand intends to cater to customers who care about the quality of their clothing and want to be the face of change. Both Aisha & Naseehah not only want to create a lasting impact in the wardrobe of their customers, but also in the world.

Check out their Oddinary Collection, supporting individuals with special needs and/or disabilities at or @littlethingsco_org on Instagram.

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