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💉 Health🦠Coronavirus

MoPH: Qatar Vaccination Center reopens today

الصحة: إعادة فتح مركز قطر للتطعيمات اليوم

Doha: The Qatar Vaccination Center for Business and Industry Sector is re-opening today, said the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH). 

MoPH has said that some renovations were made in the center during the weekend, which will help increase the number of people the center receives daily.

The Centre, regarded as one of the biggest centers in the world was seeing up to 25,000 people a day, since it’s  opening on June 22.

The Ministry in its Twitter said that people on foot or bikes will not be allowed to enter Qatar Vaccination Center for Business and Industry sector.

“In order to ensure public safety and optimal operation of the centre, individuals who arrive walking or riding bikes will not be permitted entry into the centre and its parking ground,” said the Ministry.

All companies must arrange their staff to be vaccinated through the vaccination schedule unit by emailing

Located near Asian Town in Mesaimeer, the Qatar Vaccination Center – for Business and Industry Sector has more than 300 stations. 

The new centre has been opened to help facilitate the phased reopening of the country, which began the third phase on Friday July 9. Certain businesses, including gyms, salons and spas, can only operate with fully vaccinated members of staff.

The Qatar Vaccination Center for Business and Industry sector operates in collaboration between the MoPH, Hamad Medical Corporation, Primary Health Care Corporation, Qatar Charity, and the Ministry of Interior.

A total of 3,396,963 COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered since the start of the National COVID -19 Vaccination Program. 

As many as 6,657 COVID-19 vaccine doses were  administered in 24 hours.

أعلنت وزارة الصحة العامة أنه ستتم إعادة افتتاح مركز قطر التطعيمات المخصص لقطاع الأعمال والصناعة اليوم الإثنين الموافق 12 يوليو الجاري.

وقالت الوزارة في بيان عبر تويتر: “تم إجراء بعض التجديدات في المركز خلال عطلة نهاية الأسبوع، وسوف يساعد ذلك على زيادة عدد الأشخاص الذين يستقبلهم المركز يومياً”.

وكان المركز يستقبل في السابق ما يصل إلى 25 ألف شخص يومياً، ويعتبر أحد أكبر مراكز التطعيم في العالم.

وأوضحت الوزارة أنه من أجل ضمان السلامة العامة والتشغيل الأمثل للمركز، لن يُسمح للأفراد القادمين سيرًا على الأقدام أو ركاب الدراجات بالدخول إلى المركز ومواقف السيارات الخاصة به.

وأضافت: يتوجب على جميع الشركات اتخاذ الترتيبات اللازمة لتطعيم موظفيها من خلال التواصل مع وحدة حجز مواعيد التطعيمات عبر البريد الإلكتروني:

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