Qatar Pavilion wins two awards at Expo Beijing 2019
جناح قطر في «إكسبو بكين 2019» يحصد أكبر جائزتين في المعرض
Beijing: Qatar Pavilion participating in the International Horticultural Exhibition (Expo Beijing 2019) won the grand award from the Expo’s organising committee for the best foreign pavilion and also won the grand award of the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH), the most prestigious awards for foreign pavilions participating in the exhibition.
The award was received by Deputy Commissioner-General of the Qatar Pavilion at Expo Beijing, Dr Fikra Ashkanani at a ceremony held on the occasion.
Dr Ashkanani expressed her happiness for winning the two awards, pointing out that the honour was the result of the collective efforts by the members of the Committee for the preparation of the Qatar Pavilion, as well as the great support from the Ministry of Municipality and Environment.
Dr Ashanani added that despite their confidence in the wins, they were overwhelmed with the announcement that Qatar Pavilion won two awards instead of one, the two highest awards given to participating wings.
Member of the Qatar Pavilion at the Expo Beijing, Faisal Abdullah Al Dosari said that the efforts exerted by the Committee and the unlimited support of the Ministry of Municipality and Environment resulted in this win, which was the fruit of all the efforts and an affirmation of the distinguished participation of the State of Qatar in this event, a participation praised by all.
The win is an affirmation of the efforts exerted by the State of Qatar represented by the Ministry of Municipality and Environment in preparing for this participation to be distinctive and not just attendance.
The pavilion used eco-friendly materials, designed by Qatari engineer Fatima Fawzi, inspired by the Sidra tree, which enjoys the love and appreciation of the Qatari community for its qualities of strength and rigidity and ability to withstand all the difficult circumstances. The Sidra tree remains strong and green despite drought and lack of water, which symbolizes the rigidity and perseverance of the State of Qatar to overcome all difficulties and tribulations.
Visits to the Qatar Pavilion at the Expo Beijing exceeded two million from various nationalities and ages who were impressed by this masterpiece of urban and diverse activities, which were designed specifically to suit all visitors. The organising committee of Expo Beijing has set many conditions and criteria for the evaluation of entries, and the Qatar Pavilion has met all the required criteria and deserved the grand prize.
The pavilion also won the grand prize of the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH), which is an organizer and licensor of the Expo Beijing.
The International Association of Horticultural Producers promotes and supports horticultural producers, organizes and supervises festivals and exhibitions related to horticulture. The association also works to stimulate the increasing demand for ornamental trees, plants and flowers worldwide, as well as to protect and promote the interests of the industry and strive to secure best practices in the production of ornamental plants.
فاز جناح دولة قطر المشارك في المعرض الدولي للبستنة «إكسبو بكين 2019» بالجائزة الكبرى من قِبل اللجنة المنظمة للمعرض، بصفته أفضل جناح أجنبي مشارك. كما فاز الجناح بالجائزة الكبرى للجمعية الدولية للبستنة «AIPH»، وهما أرفع جائزتين تُمنحان للأجنحة الأجنبية المشاركة في المعرض.
تسلّمت الجائزة الدكتورة فائقة أشكناني، نائب المفوض العام لجناح قطر في «إكسبو بكين 2019»، وذلك خلال حفل أُقيم بهذه المناسبة تم خلاله تكريم الفائزين وتوزيع الجوائز عليهم.
وعبّرت الدكتورة فائقة أشكناني، في تصريح على هامش فعاليات الحفل، عن سعادتها بالفوز بالجائزتين، مشيرة إلى أن هذا التكريم جاء نتيجة جهود جماعية من قِبل أعضاء لجنة الإعداد والتحضير لجناح دولة قطر في «إكسبو بكين»، وبدعم كبير من وزارة البلدية والبيئة.
وقالت الدكتورة أشكناني: «رغم ثقتنا بالفوز فإننا ظللنا نترقب إعلان النتائج، وغمرتنا الفرحة عند إعلان فوز جناح دولة قطر بجائزتين بدل الواحدة، وهما أرفع جائزتان تُمنحان للأجنحة المشاركة»