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👮‍♂️ Government

Amir receives Eid well-wishers

صاحب السمو يستقبل المهنئين بعيد الأضحى


His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani performed Eid al-Adha prayer along with a group of loyal citizens at Al Wajba praying area Sunday morning.

His Highness the Personal Representative of the Amir, Sheikh Jassim bin Hamad al-Thani; His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Khalifa al-Thani, and HE Sheikh Jassim bin Khalifa al-Thani took part in the prayer.

It was also attended by a number of Sheikhs, ministers and members of the diplomatic corps besides citizens.

Sheikh Dr Thaqeel Sayer al-Shammari, a judge of Court of Cassation and Supreme Judiciary Council member, who led the prayer, delivered the Eid sermon in which he urged worshippers to ponder the deep meanings of Eid al-Adha and the importance of performing the Eid prayer as it is a ritual of Islam.

He also called for increasing the acts of worship, good deeds and devotion, and worship Allah the Almighty and follow the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him.)

In the sermon, Dr al-Shammari highlighted the importance of the day of sacrifice, which was marked Sunday.

He also said Islam is the religion of love and peace.

“This urges us to have a sense of belonging to the nation and that the nation’s sons strive to meet its interests and protect it from all evils through co-operation between all on the basis of good governance that is based on justice and love for all, as well as on the basis of promoting unity and love and staying away from intolerance.”

Scores of worshippers performed the Eid prayer in mosques and praying areas across the country.

Meanwhile, the Amir received Sunday morning scores of Eid well-wishers at Al Wajba Palace.

He received HE the Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa al-Thani and Sheikhs, ministers, undersecretaries, Shura Council members and citizens.

The Amir also received heads of diplomatic missions accredited to the state as well as officers of the armed forces and police, and heads of national institutions and departments.

The well-wishers extended greetings to the Amir, and good wishes and blessings to the Qatari people and the Arab and Islamic nations.

The Personal Representative of the Amir, Sheikh Jassim bin Hamad al-Thani, and Sheikh Mohamed bin Khalifa al-Thani attended the reception.

استقبل حضرة صاحب السمو الشيخ تميم بن حمد آل ثاني أمير البلاد المفدى، جموع المهنئين بحلول عيد الأضحى المبارك، في قصر الوجبة صباح أمس.

فقد استقبل سموّه -حفظه الله- بعد صلاة العيد، كلاً من معالي الشيخ عبدالله بن ناصر بن خليفة آل ثاني رئيس مجلس الوزراء وزير الداخلية، وأصحاب السعادة الشيوخ والوزراء ووكلاء الوزارات، وأعضاء مجلس الشورى، وجموع المهنئين من السادة المواطنين.

واستقبل سمو أمير البلاد المفدى، أصحاب السعادة رؤساء البعثات الدبلوماسية المعتمدين لدى الدولة. كما استقبل سموّه السادة ضباط القوات المسلحة ووزارة الداخلية، ومديري الإدارات والمؤسسات الوطنية.

وقد أعرب جموع المهنئين لسمو الأمير المفدى عن تهانيهم وتبريكاتهم بهذه المناسبة السعيدة، داعين الله العزيز القدير أن يعيدها وأمثالها على دولة قطر وشعبها العزيز وأمتينا العربية والإسلامية بالخير واليمن والبركات.

حضر الاستقبالات سمو الشيخ جاسم بن حمد آل ثاني الممثل الشخصي للأمير، وسمو الشيخ محمد بن خليفة آل ثاني، وسعادة الشيخ جاسم بن خليفة آل ثاني.

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