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QIIB records net profit of QR267m for the first quarter of 2020

٢٦٧ مليون ريال أرباح الدولي الإسلامي للربع الأول من ٢٠٢٠

The Peninsula – Doha

QIIB recorded a net profit of QR267.1m for the first quarter of 2020, up 0.4 percent compared to the same period of last year. The bank’s total assets reached QR60.2bn with a growth rate of 10.9 percent.

Announcing the financial results yesterday, QIIB Chairman and Managing Director, Sheikh Dr. Khalid bin Thani bin Abdullah Al Thani stated QIIB’s positive results in the first quarter clearly indicate that the bank continued to strengthen its financial position and benefit from the strong factors inherent in the Qatari economy, which is one of the best competitive economies in the world.

He noted, “The challenges that the Qatari economy were able to overcome in the past period enhanced its immunity and strength in the face of new challenges and situations. We, at QIIB, are building on our plans and our short to long strategies, based on this reality. We are all confident that the Qatari economy will continue its outstanding performance in the period ahead under the support and patronage of the Amir His Highness Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al  Thani”.

Sheikh Dr. Khalid said, “In the Q1, 2020, we continued to focus on the Qatari market and the financing of vital projects related to infrastructure and SMEs. We also adopted the appropriate flexibility in dealing with various market factors while focusing on the prudent management of risk, credit and liquidity. There is no doubt that the results announced today reflect the success that we achieved. We hope to maintain our success in the period ahead, as well as adapting of the various market factors.” On his part, QIIB Chief Executive Officer Dr. Abdulbasit Ahmed Al Shaibei noted that the bank’s total revenues for Q1-2020 amounted to QR656.2m compared to QR558.1m at the end of the same period of last year, with a growth rate 17.6 percent. The bank also improved operational efficiency, which contributed to a decrease in cost to income ratio to be at 20.5 percent.

Dr. Al Shaibei said, “The bank’s total assets increased by the end of the first quarter to QR60.2bn with a growth rate of 10.9 percnet, whereas the financing portfolio reached QR38.5bn compared to QR31.0bn by the end of Q1, 2019, with a growth rate of 24.0 percent. “The customer’s deposits reached QR36.3bn, with a growth rate of 2.9 percent compared to the same period of last year, the earnings per share reached QR 0.18 while the capital adequacy under Basel III stood at 18.4 percent, thus reflecting the strength of QIIB’s financial position.” QIIB’s results during the first quarter were consistent with the goals set by the Board of Directors, which are based on making the best use of the great opportunities provided by the Qatari economy in its various sectors. Our planned focus is on the local market. QIIB seeks to participate in development plans and benefit from the strength and high solvency of the Qatari economy as well as the opportunfrom businessities it provides, he said. 

The bank’s results for the first quarter are consistent with QIIB’s long track record of achieving stable growth rates despite all challenges posed by the market factors. However, hard work and planning helped us adapt to these factors, achieve stability in our operational performance and reduce risks to a minimum, he said.

During the first quarter of 2020, the bank continued to invest in and focus on strengthening its technological infrastructure and developing its alternative channels, which enhances the bank’s provision of smart services and facilitates the fulfilment of the customers’ banking needs, without having them visit the bank branches”. In this context, Dr. Al Shaibei said, “QIIB recently launched its upgraded version of the Online Corporate Banking Platform, which helps the bank’s corporate customers obtain a wide range of services without the need to visit the bank’s branches. The bank also started adopting and using ‘IBM safer payment solution’ in order to strengthen its cross channel fraud prevention systems and allow customers to conduct their banking transactions in a safe and reliable manner”.

QIIB recently started applying the SWIFT GPI payment system, which is considered one of the latest globally adopted systems in this field, thus becoming the first Islamic bank in Qatar to use this. The bank also launched a new ‘QIIB Points Portal’, developed as part of the bank’s strategic partnership with Mastercard. QIIB’s investment in technological solutions and alternative channels proved to be useful in the current situation, as the business continuity plan was implemented smoothly and customers were able to obtain most banking services without the need to visit the bank’s branches. This enabled the bank to achieve outstanding efficiency in facing the emerging circumstances.

Sharing the bank’s optimism on Qatari economy, the CEO said that the positive environment facilitated by the Qatari economy and the numerous infrastructure projects and mega projects provide stable growth for the various sectors and help avoid any repercussions resulting from the various factors and conditions.

“We look forward to continuing our good performance and achieving the set goals,” Dr. Al Shaibei said. He affirmed that QIIB’s strategy will continue to focus on the local market in the forthcoming period as it proved to be very useful, without overlooking promising external investment opportunities that offer high returns and involve low risks. In the field of human resources, he said, “The bank pays special attention to increasing its operating efficiency by attracting new employees with experiences and talents, namely female and male Qataris.

“We will continue to provide comprehensive training and qualification programmes as well as career advancement opportunities that enable and equip them to take up leadership positions in the bank in future”, Dr. Al Shaibei said. 

source: thepeninsulaqatar

الدوحة – قنا

أعلن بنك قطر الدولي الإسلامي نتائجه المالية للربع الأول من العام الجاري 2020، حيث حقق صافي ربح بلغ 267.1 مليون ريال، مقارنة بـ266.1 مليون ريال عن نفس الفترة من العام الماضي أي بنسبة نمو 0.4 بالمائة.

ويأتي إعلان البنك عن نتائجه المالية للثلاثة أشهر الأولى من العام الجاري، عقب اجتماع مجلس إدارة البنك اليوم، حيث أكد سعادة الشيخ الدكتور خالد بن ثاني بن عبدالله آل ثاني رئيس مجلس الإدارة – العضو المنتدب للدولي الإسلامي، أن نتائج البنك الإيجابية في الربع الأول تشير بوضوح إلى أنه يواصل السير قدما في تعزيز مركزه المالي وقد استطاع أن يستفيد من عوامل القوة العالية الكامنة في الاقتصاد القطري الذي يتمتع بتنافسية تعتبر من الأفضل عالميا.

ولفت سعادته إلى أن البنك واصل في الربع الأول من العام 2020 التركيز على السوق القطرية، وتمويل المشاريع الحيوية كمشاريع البنية التحتية، فضلا عن المشاريع الصغيرة والمتوسطة، كما كانت لدى البنك مرونة مناسبة فيما يتعلق بالتعامل مع عوامل السوق المختلفة مع التركيز على الإدارة الحكيمة للمخاطر والائتمان والسيولة، مؤكدا أن استمرار العمل في مختلف المشاريع الحيوية بالدولة يوفر غطاء للدولي الإسلامي وللقطاع المصرفي عموما لتجاوز المرحلة المقبلة، كما أن السياسات الحكيمة للجهات الإشرافية كفيلة بأن تضع البنك على المسار الصحيح وبما يكفل استمرار النمو وتحقيق الأهداف الموضوعة.

من جانبه بين السيد عبدالباسط أحمد الشيبي الرئيس التنفيذي للدولي الإسلامي، أن إجمالي الإيرادات في الربع الأول من عام 2020 بلغ 656.2 مليون ريال، مقابل 558.1 مليون ريال بنهاية الفترة المقابلة من العام الماضي بمعدل نمو 17.6 بالمائة، كما قام البنك بتحسين الكفاءة التشغيلية مما ساهم في انخفاض نسبة التكلفة إلى الدخل لتصبح 20.5 بالمائة.

وأفاد بأن إجمالي الموجودات ارتفع بنهاية الربع الأول من العام الحالي إلى 60.2 مليار ريال بنسبة نمو 10.9 بالمائة فيما بلغ حجم المحفظة التمويلية 38.5 مليار ريال، مقابل 31.0 مليار ريال بنهاية الربع الأول من عام 2019 أي بنسبة نمو 24.0 بالمائة، كما بلغ حجم الودائع 36.3 مليار وهو ما يمثل نسبة نمو 2.9 بالمائة مقارنة بنفس الفترة من العام الماضي وبلغ العائد على السهم 0.18 ريال كما بلغت كفاية رأس المال “بازل 3” 18.4 بالمائة وهو ما يعكس قوة المركز المالي للدولي الإسلامي.

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