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Shirvan Métisse to open restaurant at The Pearl

اتفاقية لافتتاح مطعم «شيرفان ميتيس» في «اللؤلؤة قطر»


Hospitality Development Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of United Development Company (UDC) signed a licence agreement with upscale Paris-based Shirvan Métisse, to open Shirvan Métisse Restaurant at The Pearl-Qatar.

The agreement was signed by Ibrahim Jassim al-Othman, UDC president and chief executive officer and member, Board of Directors, and Akrame Benallal, Shirvan Métisse chief executive officer.

UDC is a leading Qatari shareholding company and master developer of The Pearl-Qatar and Gewan Island.

Through opening the new restaurant inspired by oriental flairs from Azerbaijan and food cultures along the old Silk Road, UDC and HDC aim to further investments in hospitality-related businesses, which show promising prospects for tourism in Qatar in general and The Pearl-Qatar more specifically, where HDC has pledged to introduce innovative hospitality brands and concepts. 

To this end, Shirvan Métisse aims at shaking up preconceived ideas, mixing influences and styles by presenting innovative culinary concoctions within an entertaining ambiance, a unique and comprehensive fine dining experience crafted by the very daring two-Michelin star Chef Akrame Benallal.

On the opening of the new restaurant at The Pearl-Qatar, al-Othman said, “We at United Development Company are keen on collaborating with brilliant brands to create memorable experiences that are unique to The Pearl-Qatar, which attracts large numbers of visitors.  

“In this spirit, we have chosen to partner with Shirvan Métisse, which introduces an entirely new fusion concept and enriches the portfolio of restaurants managed by Hospitality Development Company.”

Métisse said, “I am very happy to be working in collaboration with UDC and HDC to take the Shirvan Métisse brand to a whole new level as one of the world’s leading culinary experiences and specifically at The Pearl-Qatar being one of the country’s most iconic sites. I am confident Shirvan Métisse’s colourful journey of flavours inspired from the ancient Silk Road will appeal to the clientele with discerning taste.”

HDC currently operates several successful restaurants at The Pearl-Qatar including Alison Nelson’s Chocolate Bar, MEGU, Burj Al Hamam, Arabesque, Urban Jazz Kitchen and Isla Mexican Kitchen. 

UDC’s mission is to identify and invest in long-term projects contributing to Qatar’s growth and providing good shareholder value. Its activities cover a multitude of vital investment sectors including real estate development, property management, infrastructure and utilities, maritime and hospitality related businesses.

وقّعت شركة تنمية الضيافة -المملوكة بالكامل من الشركة المتحدة للتنمية، المطور الرئيسي لجزيرتيّ «اللؤلؤة-قطر، وجيوان»- اتفاقية ترخيص مع «شيرفان ميتيس»، وهو مطعم باريسي فاخر، لافتتاح مطعم شيرفان ميتيس في جزيرة «اللؤلؤة-قطر».

وتم توقيع الاتفاقية من قبل السيد إبراهيم جاسم العثمان الرئيس التنفيذي وعضو مجلس إدارة الشركة المتحدة للتنمية، والسيد أكرم بن علال الرئيس التنفيذي لمطعم شيرفان ميتيس.

من خلال افتتاح المطعم الجديد المستوحى من المطبخ الشرقي والأذربيجاني، تهدف الشركة المتحدة للتنمية وشركة تنمية الضيافة إلى زيادة استثماراتها في مجال الضيافة، الذي يظهر آفاقاً واعدة لقطاع السياحة في دولة قطر بشكل عام، وجزيرة «اللؤلؤة-قطر» على وجه التحديد.

Shirvan Métisse to open restaurant at The Pearl
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