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Qatari fashion designer inaugurates her first exhibition of sports Abayas

مصممة أزياء قطرية تفتتح أول معرض للعبايات الرياضية


Doha: A Qatari fashion designer, Alia Al Suwaidi, inaugurated her first exhibition of sports Abayas (gown), which is a unique precedent in Qatar and the Arab world, in cooperation with Dreama Center for the Empowerment and care of Orphans. 

Alia Al Suwaidi is one of the volunteers in the ‘Ajaweed Dreama’ initiative that seeks to integrate orphans through their participation in the experiences of entrepreneurs, development and community projects, as well as driving them into the investment environment in Qatar.

The exhibition that supports women’s sport comes alongside its support for customs and traditions within the Ajaweed Dreama initiative launched by the General Center last year, with the aim of attracting community cooperation in the field of developing, qualifying and training orphans. Ajaweed Dreama is an initiative organized by the center to attract all those with skills, projects and innovations.

Alia Al Suwaidi organised her first fashion show on the stage of the Qatar National Theater on January 14 in the presence of Amal bin Abdul Latif Al Mannai, CEO of the Qatar Foundation for Social Work.

The Dreama Center operates according to a new strategy recently introduced as the first center in the region to adopt the concept of economic and professional empowerment of orphans and train them on investment concepts such as feasibility study, strategic planning and organizing economic projects.

It is expected that the proceeds of  Alia’s Exhibition for Sports Abayas (gown) will be provided entirely to the children of Dreama, and the designer Alia Al Suwaidi was keen to involve the girls of the center in the project in order to enable them from the reasons of their independent living after graduating from  Dreama.

In this context, Mariam bint Ali bin Nasser Al-Misnad, CEO of the Dreama Center, says that the primary goal of these initiatives is to support all targeted development work and raising the standard of living of the target groups we sponsor Besides stimulating the local market with new projects and ideas that attract the least privileged groups in society in order to achieve concepts of social justice and equal distribution of opportunities

According to Al-Misnad, these initiatives are a result of the excellence of Qatari girls and women in the entrepreneurial and investment sector, which prompts us to rediscover the capabilities of girls and giving them the opportunity to express their thoughts and aspirations. There are many urgent details in this field that the place has no spare capacity to be discussed.

She added that the Alia Al Suwaidi project is one of the pioneering projects in the field of sports and investment, as it is a project that highlights the importance of preserving the Qatari and Islamic customs and not contradicting the requirements of modern life and the aspirations of women.

دشنت المصممة القطرية عليا السويدي معرضها الأول للعبايات الرياضية وهي سابقة فريدة من نوعها في قطر والعالم العربي، بالتعاون مع مركز دريمة لتمكين ورعاية الأيتام، بحضور كل من آمال المناعي الرئيس التنفيذي للمؤسسة القطرية للعمل الاجتماعي، وحرم سعادة السفير الألماني لدى دولة قطر، وحرم سعادة سفير بنغلاديش، خاصة وان المصممة تعد إحدى المتطوعات في مبادرة “أجاويد دريمة” التي تسعى لدمج الأيتام من خلال إشراكهم في تجارب رواد الأعمال والمشاريع التنموية والمجتمعية، وكذا دفعهم إلى داخل البيئة الاستثمارية في قطر.

وقالت مريم بنت علي بن ناصر المسند المدير التنفيذي لمركز دريمة إن الهدف الأساسي لتلك المبادرات هو دعم كل الأعمال التنموية الهادفة والارتقاء بمستوى معيشة الفئات المستهدفة التي نرعاها، بجانب تنشيط السوق المحلي بمشاريع وأفكار جديدة تستقطب الفئات الأقل حظاً في المجتمع تحقيقاً لمفاهيم العدالة الاجتماعية والمساواة في توزيع الفرص، مشيرة إلى أن تلك المبادرات هي نتاج تفوق الفتاة والمرأة القطرية في قطاع ريادة الأعمال والاستثمار، وهو الأمر الذي يدفعنا لإعادة استكشاف قدرات الفتيات، وومنحهن فرصة التعبير عن أفكارهن وتطلعاتهن.

Qatari fashion designer inaugurates her first exhibition of sports Abayas
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