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Baladna is Diamond Sponsor for ‘Made in Qatar 2020’ in Kuwait

«بلدنا» راعياً ماسياً لـ «صُنع في قطر 2020» في الكويت


Doha: Baladna Food Industries (BFI), Qatar’s largest producer of fresh dairy and beverages, and a subsidiary of Baladna, will be the Diamond Sponsor for the upcoming ‘Made in Qatar 2020’ exhibition which will be held from February 19-22 at the Kuwait International Fair in Kuwait.

In a press statement released yesterday, Baladna’s Board Member and Managing Director Ramez Al Khayyat, said: “We take pride in sponsoring the third edition of the ‘Made in Qatar’ exhibition to be held outside the country. The company’s sponsorship to the expo in Kuwait comes as part of our objectives in helping Qatar achieve the economic diversification and goals of the Qatar’s National Food Security Program. The exhibition represents a communication platform to introduce our products to the Kuwaiti market while holding strategic conversations with Kuwaiti decision-makers during the four days of the exhibition. We are always looking for opportunities to expand our footprint and utilise untapped markets,” he added. 

The third edition of ‘Made in Qatar’ to be held outside Qatar is expected to see the participation of over 220 companies and factories from Qatar on an area of 10,000sqm. The expo is organised by the Qatar Chamber in cooperation with the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Qatar Development Bank as strategic partner and in coordination with the Kuwait Chamber of Commerce & Industry.

The exhibition aims at fostering cooperation and exchanging expertise between Qatari and Kuwaiti companies, in addition to identifying Kuwaiti business community on Qatari products and opening new markets to Qatari companies in its various large and small industries.

Established in 2014, the BFI has grown to be Qatar’s largest locally owned fresh dairy and beverage supplier and has helped Qatar achieve 95 percent self-sufficiency in fresh milk. The company has invested in bringing in the best breed of cows called Holstein, famously known for the quality of milk they produce. The farms are equipped with state-of-the-art technology, while the farm spans over 40 hectares of land and is home to nearly 20,000 Holstein cows. The fully automated machines in the factory are operated by 140 employees, who were trained to use the new generation machines imported from the UK, Europe, Turkey, and Lebanon.

BFI’s fast-growing product line includes 176 products including laban, labneh, ayran, cheese, ghee, oriental sweets, 100 percent natural juices, long-life milk, and long-life juice. To diversify its products, the company started manufacturing high-quality organic fertilisers, in an environmentally friendly manner.

وقعت غرفة قطر وشركة بلدنا للصناعات الغذائية «بلدنا» عقد رعاية معرض «صنع في قطر2020» تكون بموجبه الشركة راعياً ماسياً للمعرض الذي يقام في دولة الكويت خلال الفترة من 19 إلى 22 فبراير المقبل.

وبهذه المناسبة، أعرب السيد رامز الخياط -عضو مجلس الإدارة المنتدب بشركة بلدنا- عن اعتزازه برعاية الدورة الثالثة خارجياً لمعرض «صنع في قطر»، والتي تأتي في إطار سعي الشركة للمساهمة في إنجاح برنامج قطر للتنويع الاقتصادي، وفي تحقيق أهداف البرنامج الوطني للأمن الغذائي في الدولة.

وأوضح الخياط أن المعرض يشكل منصة مناسبة لعرض منتجات «بلدنا» في السوق الكويتي، وستكون الفرصة مناسبة خلال أيام المعرض للتواصل مباشرة مع صُناع القرار في دولة الكويت، وذلك في إطار بحث الشركة الدائم عن مجالات لتوسيع تواجدها، ودخول أسواق جديدة.

ويهدف المعرض -الذي تنظمه غرفة قطر بالتعاون مع وزارة التجارة والصناعة، وبشراكة استراتيجية مع بنك قطر للتنمية، وبتنسيق مع غرفة تجارة وصناعة الكويت- إلى تعزيز التعاون المشترك بين الشركات القطرية ونظيرتها الكويتية.

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