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Qatari Diar launches ‘Lusail Downtown’

«الديار» تدشن «داون تاون لوسيل»

During it participation in Cityscape Qatar 2019, Qatari Diar launched its new brand ‘Lusail Downtown’, which includes three different projects (Al Seef, Boulevard and Plaza).

It also gave a detailed presentation on three of its global projects: Chelsea Barracks in UK, Southbank Place in UK and Sea Pearl in Istanbul, Turkey.

The CEO of Qatari Diar, Eng Abdullah bin Hamad Al Attiyah, said on the sidelines of Cityscape that the new projects presented during the exhibition confirms the soundness of the real estate and construction sector in the State of Qatar and that the State’s projects are ongoing and work is proceeding in full swing without interruption.

Al Attiyah pointed out that Qatari Diar alone launches during this exhibition a series of new projects within the commercial district in the Lusail city, which includes three of the most distinct areas in the city, namely, Plaza, Boulevard and Al Seef Lusail.

He added that Lusail city is preparing for the 2022 World Cup, and that is why it is exhibiting the Lusail City Stadium in its stand at Cityscape Qatar. He stressed that the city is witnessing a great expansion both in terms of construction operations or at the level of the transfer of many ministries, government institutions and major companies to the city, the most important of which is the Media City.

Al Attiyah stressed that the Lusail city highlights the great urban development of the State of Qatar as it is developed on 38 square kilometres with integrated services and advanced infrastructure, pointing out that the city’s infrastructure has now reached advanced stages of up to 90 percent, stressing that Qatari Diar, which operates in 24 countries, pays special attention to the Lusail city, inviting everyone to visit the city and invest it.

He pointed out that Qatari Diar has launched new projects in Britain, US, Turkey, Morocco and others. At the end of the year, it will open a 5-star hotel in Tunisia, he said, noting the law of ownership of real estate by foreigners, which includes the city of Lusail and owning a property in it, especially as it serves to increase the level of demand for foreign investment in the city.

Al Attiyah said that Qatari Diar is investing more than QR10bn in all new projects in Lusail and the priority is for the Qatari contractor, adding that all the projects awarded were to Qatari contractors because they were able to take on such huge projects. The focus today is to prepare the city of Lusail to receive the World Cup, and to finish the ongoing investments and turn them into income-generating and profitable projects, he added.

Al Attiyah said that the commercial street in Lusail city will be opened before the 2022 World Cup in preparation to receive visitors to the country during the tournament. Qatari Diar is participating in Cityscape Qatar 2019 as the Gold Sponsor of the exhibition.

Lusail Downtown has been designed to be a new cultural hub in Qatar and a centre of attraction that will create a new centre for Doha and will be a local model to experience the modern Doha lifestyle. The downtown will consists of three main areas: Plaza, Boulevard and Seef Lusail. Lusail Plaza lies at the heart of Lusail City. It overlooks the coast at the end of the Boulevard District and is bounded North and South by Fox Hills and Seef Lusail Districts.

The Plaza District is defined by four iconic towers providing both a focus to the city and to the Plaza itself. The four towers are positioned in order not to obstruct views and to take full advantage of the coastal aspect.
Lusail Plaza has been designed as both a destination and a vital link within the overall City master plan. The connection of the Lusail Boulevard to the Lusail Corniche is a fundamental driver of the master plan.

شاركت شركة الديار القطرية للاستثمار العقاري بالرعاية الذهبية لمعرض «ستي سكيب 2019»، والذي أقيم بين 22 و 24 من أكتوبر.

60 مشروعاً

ويقع جناح شركة الديار القطرية على مساحة تزيد على 500 متر مربع، وتعرض من خلاله الشركة رحلتها التي بدأت منذ عام 2005، وتجاوزت مشاريعها خلالها 60 مشروعاً منفّذة وقيد التطوير في دولة قطر، وفي 24 دولة حول العالم، باستثمارات تجاوزت 35 مليار دولار.

حيث قامت شركة الديار القطرية ومدينة لوسيل خلال المعرض هذا العام بتدشين العلامة الجديدة «داون تاون لوسيل»، التي تتضمن ثلاث مشاريع جديدة، وهي: السيف، والبوليفارد، والبلازا.

كما قدّمت الشركة أيضاً عرض مفصل لثلاثة من المشاريع العالمية، وهي: ثكنات تشيلسي- بريطانيا، وساوث بانك بليس- بريطانيا، وسي بيرل اسطنبول- تركيا.

وقد أكد المهندس عبدالله بن حمد العطية -الرئيس التنفيذي لشركة الديار القطرية أن ما يتم طرحه خلال المعرض من مشروعات جديدة يؤكد صحة وسلامة القطاع العقاري والإنشائي في دولة قطر، وأن مشاريع الدولة قائمة، والعمل بها يسير على قدم وساق دون توقف.


وأكد العطية أن مدينة لوسيل تشهد توسّعاً كبيراً، سواءً على صعيد العمليات الإنشائية أو على صعيد انتقال العديد من الوزارات والمؤسسات الحكومية والشركات الكبرى إلى المدينة، مشيراً إلى أن البنية التحتية للمدينة حالياً وصلت إلى مراحل متقدمة، تصل إلى 90%.

ولفت إلى أن «الديار» أطلقت مشروعات جديدة في بريطانيا وأميركا وتركيا والمغرب وغيرها، وفى نهاية العام تم افتتاح فندق 5 نجوم في تونس.

وصرّح المهندس العطية أنه سيتم افتتاح الشارع التجاري في مدينة لوسيل قبل كأس العالم 2022، استعداداً لاستقبال زوّار الدولة خلال البطولة.

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