Bedaya Center holds workshops to develop, enhance local start-ups
«أصدقاء بداية» يطوّر المشاريع القطرية الناشئة
Bedaya Center for Entrepreneurship and Career Development (Bedaya Center), a joint initiative of Qatar Development Bank and Silatech, has successfully concluded a series of workshops targeting start-up projects to evaluate their businesses and to help develop and enhance them. The workshops were held under the “Bedaya Friends” programme.
During the month-long workshop series, certified and accredited coaches highlighted various topics that helped entrepreneurs develop their businesses in order to transform them into larger projects and ensure their success and sustainability.
The first workshop began by evaluating each participant’s projects and recommendation for future development. Another workshop was held to illustrate the best techniques for photographing products using mobile phones. Similarly, two other workshops were held, which tackled the procedures for establishing a business while the other workshop was regarding the country’s labour law and rules governing the relation between owners and employees.
Furthermore, the workshops had specialized session on topics such as social media usage for startups marketing, business model canvas legal aspects, accounting and financials for small businesses.
After the culmination of the workshop series, all participants received a “Bedaya” membership card which will provide them the necessary support later by giving them priority to participate in bazaars and events organized by the Center. In addition, the membership will grant them discount when they will participate in all paid programs and workshops organized by “Bedaya”.
On this occasion, Reem Al Suwaidi, General Manager of Bedaya Center, said, “Through the “Bedaya Friends” program, we have been successful in seeking the expertise of certified, accredited and professional coaches and trainers to enrich and enhance the capabilities of the Center’s members from startups and entrepreneurs. The training workshop series was aimed at providing the educational tools to help the startups and entrepreneurs to come up with a clear vision about the needed requirements to ensure the success of their diverse projects.”
“During the workshops, we assessed the participants’ projects and presented a recommendation for their development, which will cement the presence of the SME in the local market due to its positive and pivotal role in strengthening the economic wheel of the state and supplying the national market’s needs,” she added.
عقد مركز بداية لريادة الأعمال والتطوير المهني (المبادرة المشتركة بين بنك قطر للتنمية ومؤسسة «صلتك») من خلال برنامج «أصدقاء بداية»، مجموعة من الورش التدريبية لأصحاب المشاريع الناشئة، من أجل تقييم مشاريعهم وتطويرها في مختلف القطاعات.
وخلال البرنامج الذي امتد شهراً كاملاً، قام مجموعة من المدربين بتسليط الضوء على مواضيع مختلفة من شأنها مساعدة أصحاب المشاريع على تطويرها بهدف تحويلها لمشاريع أكبر وضمان نجاحها واستمرارها.
وقالت السيدة ريم السويدي، مدير عام مركز بداية لريادة الأعمال والتطوير المهني: «نسعى من خلال برنامج «أصدقاء بداية»، وبالتعاون مع مدربين، لإثراء وتعزيز قدرات منتسبي المركز عن طريق مجموعة من الورش التدريبية، والتي تكون عبارة عن أدوات تثقيفية وتعليمية بغرض مساعدة رواد الأعمال على الخروج برؤية واضحة حول المتطلبات اللازمة لضمان نجاح مشاريعهم على اختلاف أنواعها».