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Sale at Local Dates Festival crosses 100 tonnes

البيع في مهرجان الرطب المحلي يتجاوز 100 طن

Sale at the ongoing fourth edition of the Local Dates Festival at Souq Waqif crossed 100 tonnes on the eighth day on Tuesday with total number of visitors reaching 30,100, as per the figures released by the Ministry of Municipality and Environment (MME).

On Tuesday 11,864kg dates were sold taking the total sale to 100.45tonnes. The dates festival that started on July 3 is open for public from 4pm to 10pm at Al-Ahmad Square at Souq Waqif until August 3.

The festival is organised by the MME and Souq Waqif management as part of Qatar’s efforts to promote locally grown products and help local farmers find the ideal market for dates.

Last year, the festival attracted about 54,000 visitors and sold 205tonnes of fresh dates worth QR1.7mn.

More than one dozen local varieties are on sale from 85 farms across Qatar in addition to Hassad food company. The festival was attended by 73 farmers in 2018.

The varieties on sale at the festival include Al-Khalas, Al-Shishi, Al-Khenaizi, Al-Barhi, Al-Iraqi and Al-Silji, Al-Saqai, Nabt Saif, Al-Lulu and Al-Razizi.

بلغت حصيلة مبيعات الرطب في اليوم الثامن (الثلاثاء) لمهرجان الرطب المحلي الرابع الذي تنظمه وزارة البلدية والبيئة وسوق واقف بساحة الأحمد بسوق واقف، 11 طناً و864 كيلوجراماً، وقد بلغ عدد زوار المهرجان 2700 زائر.

ويستمر المهرجان في استقبال الزوار وعرض رطب المزارع المحلية يومياً من الساعة الرابعة عصراً وحتى الساعة العاشرة مساء حتى بعد غد السبت 3 أغسطس الحالي.

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