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Qatar a pivotal partner in Middle East: Russia

روسيا: قطر شريك هام ومحوري في الشرق الأوسط


His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani met with Russian President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of the fifth summit of Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA), at Navruz Palace in Dushanbe Saturday.

At the outset of the meeting, the Russian president expressed his pleasure in meeting and speaking with the Amir, noting the celebration of the Qatar-Russia 2018 Year of Culture. The Russian leader underlined the developing Qatari-Russian relations, and described Qatar as an important and pivotal partner in the Middle East.

Putin highlighted the important, fruitful and active co-operation in the investment field, looking forward to further support for this sector. The president also noted the cooperation between the two countries in the humanitarian, cultural, military and technical fields.

His Highness the Amir noted that Qatari-Russian relations are strong and strategic and are witnessing great development especially in the fields of energy and investment. The Amir stressed Qatar’s readiness to increase investments in Russia, and said he was keen to enhance cooperation in the cultural field too.

As for Qatar’s preparations for hosting the 2022 FIFA World Cup, the Amir said preparations are good, noting the co-operation between the two countries during the organisation of Russia 2018 World Cup and the importance of enhancing the exchange of experience for the Qatar 2022 tournament.

The Amir congratulated the Russian president for the success of St Petersburg International Economic Forum 2019, which Qatar attended. During the forum, the business environment in Qatar and the overall competitive advantages offered by the Qatari market to international companies and investors were reviewed.

The leaders also reviewed the strategic relations between the two countries and the means for promoting them to wider horizons, especially in the political, military, economic and education areas. They also discussed developing the Qatari-Russian business council and the commercial and investment areas, and encouraging businessmen in both countries to establish joint projects.

The two sides also exchanged views on current regional and international issues, mainly the developments in Palestine, Syria, Libya, Yemen and Sudan.

Concerning the situation in the Gulf, both sides stressed the need to resolve all differences through dialogue and diplomatic means, and to give priority to the supreme interest of peoples in order to preserve security and stability.

Members of the official delegation accompanying the Amir and a number of ministers and senior officials from the Russian side attended the meeting.

قال الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين، السبت، إن علاقات بلاده مع قطر “في تطور مستمر”، واصفا الدوحة بـ “الشريك الهام والمحوري في منطقة الشرق الأوسط”.

جاء ذلك خلال لقائه صاحب السمو الشيخ تميم بن حمد آل ثاني، على هامش أعمال الدورة الخامسة لقمة منظمة “التعاون وبناء تدابير الثقة في آسيا” (سيكا)، بالعاصمة الطاجيكية دوشنبه.

وأشار بوتين إلى “التعاون الهام والمثمر والنشط في المجال الاستثماري، متطلعا إلى “مزيد من الدعم لهذا القطاع”، بحسب وكالة الأنباء القطرية “قنا”.

من جانبه، أكد صاحب السمو أن علاقات البلدين “قوية ومتينة واستراتيجية، وتشهد تطورا كبيرا خاصة في مجالات الطاقة والاستثمار”.

وأعرب عن “استعداد الدوحة لزيادة الاستثمارات في روسيا”.

وحول استعدادات الدوحة لمونديال 2022، أوضح صاحب السمو أنها “جيدة”، مشيرا للتعاون الذي تم بين البلدين “خلال تنظيم روسيا بطولة كأس العالم 2018، وأهمية تعزيز تبادل الخبرات من أجل بطولة قطر 2022”.

وفي ما يتعلق بالوضع الخليجي، تم تأكيد “ضرورة حل كل الخلافات التي تشهدها المنطقة بالحوار والطرق الدبلوماسية، وتغليب المصلحة العليا للشعوب حفاظا للأمن والاستقرار”.


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