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QNL offers variety in vast online resources

المكتبة الوطنية توفّر الكتب الإلكترونية للمسافرين في الإجازات

Qatar National Library offers apps, ebooks, audiobooks, access to newspapers, magazines, and music and video streaming for members who are travelling home, or to a new travel destination during the summer break.

The only requirement is to be a registered member with an Internet connection to remotely access the library’s online resources and especially mobile apps.

The library’s extensive digital resources ensure that book lovers gain access to all the entertainment and stimulation they want, and at any time – free of cost.

A host of entertainment options are available to members. These online resources cover a wide range of subject areas, including academic papers, to satisfy the information needs and diverse interests of all age groups.

The library has a sizeable collection of ebooks, and its ebook platforms have had almost one million downloads to date.

Popular ebook platforms include OverDrive, which allows members to borrow a range of popular ebooks and audiobooks. The format is supported by most devices, including a PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android and Nook. Library members can download the OverDrive Libby app to gain access to a wealth of ebooks and audiobooks when travelling. SpringerLink is another useful one with the largest collections of ebooks worldwide, which gives users access to electronic scientific content.

Mahmood Ali, who has been using ebooks and apps more frequently, says, “What makes the library’s online resources unique is the fact that they are free and easily accessible.”

“I have downloaded the Mango Languages application and will pick up a few French words before I visit France this summer. This is practical knowledge available for free, which is why everyone should use it.”

Parents of younger readers can make use of several award-winning apps with an array of content formats.

The award-winning Booki app offers a new experience when reading digital books such as comics, magazines and bedtime stories in English and Arabic. The stories, selected from the world’s best publishers, are presented with interactive and entertaining read-along audio and music. Parents and teachers can add their narration and sound effects to put a personal touch on the reading experience.

Parents can encourage their kids to read more using RBDigital Comics, which gives access to more than 600 of Marvel and IDW digital graphics novels and comics. There is also BookFlix, online video storybooks for preschoolers through grade 3 as well as related games and activities.

Adults can rekindle their hobbies or catch up on their interests in business and finance, home and gardening, cooking and lifestyle by accessing popular digital magazines from their mobile using the RBdigital App, or from their desktop.

Mango Languages is an online learning resource that can be accessed from a laptop or mobile device. An interactive database provides step-by-step lesson plans for over 70 different languages, including Arabic, Spanish, Turkish, Russian, French, and others. Specialty courses such as Medical Spanish or Arabic Etiquette, and Business Chinese (Mandarin), gives learners real world, culturally relevant lessons.

Audiobooks are growing in popularity and the library has seen the number of downloads rise from 70 in 2017 to 2,674 in 2018.

AudioBookCloud is an online audiobook library collection streaming both adult and children’s audiobooks for schools and public libraries. Fiction, non-fiction and classics are in English and in Spanish.

The library also has a wide selection of streaming and downloadable content available to users. During the summer vacation, those seeking to delve into the world of music can download and use the Naxos Music library.

Graduate students can continue to have access to several research tools over the summer, including 200 databases that offer access to 60,000 electronic journals, covering specialised academic areas.

Milan Vasiljevic, manager of Electronic Resource Management and Licensing, at the library said: “We are responding to our members’ needs to offer knowledge development wherever they are, and the availability of digital services in English and Arabic is essential to this. The increased use of the library’s ebook platforms and apps over the past year confirms that our outreach is having the needed impact, so that no matter where in the world our members are this summer, they can remain within the library’s community and be assured of access to knowledge and information.”

The library members can access over 7,000 publications from 120 countries in 60 languages through the PressReader app.

For those interested in reading Arabic books, or completing their dissertations over their summer breaks, Al Manhal app, a flagship Arabic resource, allows members to read Arabic ebooks, articles and dissertations for free.

خلال أشهر الصيف، يسافر العديد من روّاد مكتبة قطر الوطنية إلى أوطانهم لقضاء العطلة مع ذويهم، أو ينطلقون في مغامرة إلى وجهة سياحية جديدة. وتضمن المصادر الإلكترونية في المكتبة لعشاق الكتب ومحبي القراءة إمكانية مطالعة ما يشاؤون، سواء للتسلية أو للتثقيف، في أي وقت، وبصورة مجانية تماماً. وتوفّر المكتبة لأعضائها إمكانية استخدام مجموعة متنوعة من التطبيقات والكتب الإلكترونية والكتب المسموعة والنسخ الرقمية من الصحف والمجلات، ومقاطع الفيديو والأفلام الوثائقية والتسجيلات الصوتية من أي مكان في العالم متصل بالإنترنت؛ حتى يتسنى للأعضاء قراءة ما يريدون من كتب والاطلاع على مجموعة واسعة من المصادر الغزيرة بالمعرفة أياً كانت وجهتهم حول العالم. وتشمل هذه المصادر الإلكترونية تخصصات وموضوعات شتى، منها الأبحاث الأكاديمية. من أشهر منصات الكتب الإلكترونية التي توفّرها المكتبة، تطبيق «OverDrive» الذي يمكن تثبيته على أجهزة الكمبيوتر والماك وسائر أجهزة الحاسوب اللوحية وأجهزة الجوال. ويتيح التطبيق للأعضاء استعارة مجموعة واسعة من أشهر الكتب والروايات الإلكترونية والصوتية. كما يستطيع أعضاء المكتبة تنزيل تطبيق «OverDrive Libby» للوصول إلى ثروة من الكتب الإلكترونية والكتب الصوتية أثناء السفر. وهناك أيضاً تطبيق «SpringerLink» الذي يحتوي على واحدة من كبرى مجموعات الكتب العلمية والأكاديمية في العالم، بما يتيح للمستخدمين الاطلاع على الكتب والدوريات العلمية المتخصصة.

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