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GWC, Total & Dolphin Energy celebrate 1,000 days LTI free

«GWC» تحتفل بمرور ألف يوم عمل دون حوادث في قاعدة الإمداد اللوجستي

GWC, Qatar’s leading logistics provider, recently held a ceremony to celebrate achieving 1000 days without Loss Time Injury (LTI) with Total and Dolphin Energy at the Reservoir Management Optimisation Project’s (RMOP) logistics supply base. This achievement reflects team work and operational excellence under highest safety standards, the company has announced.

The ceremony which was held at the GWC logistics supply base at Ras Laffan Industrial City (RLIC) East Side, was attended by Juan Sierra, Senior Manager RMO Project at Dolphin Energy, Fabrice Dalban, Logistics Manager at Total, Rajeswar Govindan, GWC Chief Operating Officer, Naji Nassar, Senior Director of Commercial Services at GWC, and other senior executives and employees from GWC’s, QHSSE and Human Resources teams.

The company began working on a two-phase project with Total and Dolphin Energy in late 2015 and has continued to date without any LTI on site, now exceeding 1000 days. A dedicated team of 20 personnel working on the RMO Supply Base ensured their continued commitment to safety by following a number of protocols set for the base operations.

Among these protocols was a daily toolbox talk held to discuss topics on safety and the expected operations of the day, regular monthly safety drills, a company-wide emphasis on PPE and HSE, as well as coordination between team members and visiting stakeholders in advance to ensure timely operations.

Commenting on this achievement, Dolphin Energy’s General Manager – Qatar, Hassan Al-Emadi said: “Safety underscores every action and drives our performance on a daily basis. By utilizing the skills and experience of our employees and contractors like GWC, and by integrating a commitment to continuous improvement, we have developed a strong track record in achieving the highest levels of safety.”

“This event has exceeded our expectations – when we noticed that we were nearing this milestone, it was a time to celebrate, reflect and share our experience with the world” stated Mr. Fabrice Dalban Logistics Manager at Total. “The amount of effort and the quality of this achievement is an indication of the services the company has continued to provide.” He added.

The ceremony was also held as the culmination of the company’s weeklong safety activities recognizing the World Day for Health and Work Safety on April 28. The activities included various video presentations, lectures, and entertainment activities all centred around the concept that at GWC, safety is a personal commitment for each employee. The events also included a safety pledge uttered by every employee, summarized by the safety slogan adopted by the company: “One Team, One Goal, Zero Incident”.

In recent years, GWC has combined its infrastructure development, contract logistics, and hazmat experience in order to offer logistics base design, construction and managements services to various key clients in the oil and gas industry.

Developing around 150,000 square meters of area for various clients in record time, these logistics bases offer fully integrated concentrations of logistics solutions, with laydown yards, workshops, pipe inspection areas, and general and chemical warehousing.

The company also offered the personnel, equipment, and base facilities for these operations, equipped with offices, air-conditioned warehousing, as well as canteen facilities, anticipating the delivery of all staff needs and requirements.

The company offers these services in accordance with the highest Quality, Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (QHSSE) standards, which provide the framework for all the company’s service offerings and operations.

The company is committed to continuous improvement across all aspects of their services, priding themselves on achieving the ISO certifications for all service offerings and facilities, which are governed by an Integrated Management System (IMS).

“Our company’s various departments and divisions cooperate to ensure that all employees, clients, and subcontractors maintain the highest safety standards for operations conducted in or by the company,” stated GWC Chief Operating Officer Rajeswar Govindan.

“It is our pleasure to utilize and share these skills to ensure that all operations for Dolphin Energy run reliably and smoothly in the safest and most secure of working environments.”

احتفلت «GWC» -المزود الرائد للخدمات اللوجستية في دولة قطر- بمرور 1000 يوم دون وقوع أي إصابات عمل في قاعدة الإمداد اللوجستي لمشروع تحسين إدارة الخزان، مما يمثل تعاون فريق العمل للامتياز في العمليات، وفقاً لأعلى معايير السلامة.

حضر الاحتفال السيد خوان سييرا المدير الأول لمشروع تحسين إدارة الخزّان من شركة دولفين للطاقة، والسيد فابريس دالبان مدير الخدمات اللوجستية في شركة توتال، ومن «GWC» السيد راجشوار جوفيندان الرئيس التنفيذي للعمليات، والسيد ناجي نصار الرئيس الأول للخدمات التجارية، بالإضافة إلى غيرهم من الإدارة العليا والموظفين من أقسام الجودة والصحة والسلامة والأمن والبيئة وإدارة الموارد البشرية.

تم عقد الاحتفال بالمناسبة في قاعدة GWC للإمداد اللوجستي في منطقة الخدمات الشرقية في مدينة راس لفان الصناعية.

بدأت «GWC» بالعمل على هذا المشروع عبر مرحلتين مع شركتي توتال ودولفين للطاقة في أواخر عام 2015، واستمرت حتى تاريخه دون وقوع أي إصابات عمل في الموقع. ويعمل في المشروع 20 موظفاً يضمنون الالتزام بمبادئ السلامة، عبر اتباعهم عدداً من البروتوكولات المحددة لعمليات قاعدة الإمداد اللوجستي.

وقال السيد حسن العمادي، المدير العام لشركة دولفين للطاقة – قطر: «إن السلامة أساس كل أنشطتنا ودافع لأدائنا اليومي، حيث إنه عبر الاستفادة من مهارات وخبرات موظفينا ومزوّدي الخدمات مثل GWC، وعبر التزامنا بالتطوير المستمر، فقد أسسنا سجلاً حافلاً لإنجاز أعلى معايير السلامة».

من جهته، قال السيد فابريس دالبان، مدير الخدمات اللوجستية في «توتال»: «لقد تجاوزت هذه الفعالية كل توقعاتنا، فإننا عندما لاحظنا أننا قد اقتربنا من هذه المناسبة، أردنا أن نحتفل بها، ونتأمل فيها، ونشارك خبرتنا في تحقيق هذا الإنجاز مع العالم، وإن الجهد الذي بذلته GWC في تحقيق هذا الإنجاز يؤشر إلى جودة الخدمات التي تستمر الشركة في تقديمها».

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