Doha Metro Red Line South starts from tomorrow
تشغيل جنوب خط المترو الأحمر غداً
The Ministry of Transport and Communications announced yesterday that the Doha Metro Red Line South will start its initial operation for the public from tomorrow. This Line extends from Al Qassar to Al Wakra. Out of the 18 Red Line stations, the initial operation will include 13 stations.
“The initial operation includes 13 out of 18 Red Line stations: Al Qassar, DECC, QIC West Bay, Corniche, Al Bidda (Interchange Station), Msheireb (Interchange Station), Al Doha Al Jadeda, Umm Ghawalina, Al Matar Al Qadeem, Oqba Ibn Nafie, Free Zone, Ras Bu Fontas and Al Wakra,” said the Ministry of Transport and Communications in a statement, yesterday. “Operation timings will be from Sunday through Thursday from 08:00 to 23:00,” it added.
Opening of section 1 of Doha Metro Red Line, which is part of Doha Metro project, marks a significant milestone for country’s transport sector. “We are pleased to announce the soft opening of section 1 of Doha Metro Red Line this Wednesday,” Qatar Rail said in its twitter handle yesterday.
Doha Metro is one of the fastest driverless trains in the world and will be the fastest in the region, which will able to reach 100km. The trains will deliver a safe, reliable and fast commuter service for passengers.
Some of the ultra-modern features of the trains include digital media and signage, integrated journey planning, self-service machines ticketing and intelligent air-conditioning. Last year in October, Qatar Railways Company signed an agreement to procure 35 additional trains for the Doha Metro project, making the total number of trains serving the project 110.
The additional trains will serve to increase the capacity of the metro system, especially when Qatar hosts the FIFA World Cup 2022, which is expected to attract over a million visitor during the tournament. The trains will also serve the future expansion of the Doha Metro lines.
Doha Metro Stations are environmentally-friendly. Stations have been designed and built embracing sustainability standards. Building materials used have a high recycled content. LED used to minimise energy consumption and recycled wastewater in the cooling system.
By Sachin Kumar | The Peninsula
أعلنت وزارة المواصلات والاتصالات، أمس في بيان صحافي، عن التشغيل المبدئي لجنوب الخط الأحمر من مترو الدوحة للجمهور، والذي يمتد من محطة القصار إلى محطة الوكرة، وذلك غداً الأربعاء.
ويتضمن التشغيل المبدئي 13 محطة في الخط الأحمر من أصل 18، وهي: القصار، ومركز المعارض، والخليج الغربي QIC، والكورنيش، والبدع (محطة التبادل)، ومشيرب (محطة التبادل)، والدوحة الجديدة، وأم غويلينة، والمطار القديم، وعقبة بن نافع، ومنطقة حرة، وراس أبو فنطاس، والوكرة.
وتم تحديد أوقات التشغيل خلال أيام الأسبوع من يوم الأحد حتى يوم الخميس من الساعة الثامنة صباحاً وحتى الحادية عشرة مساء.