![Benefits of Arabian Coffee And Its Side Effects Benefits of Arabian Coffee And Its Side Effects](https://wgoqatar.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/arabic-cofee-dates-780x405.jpg)
Benefits of Arabian Coffee And Its Side Effects
فوائد وأضرار تناول القهوة العربية
Coffee is a beverage that has numerous health benefits. The main ingredient in coffee is caffeine, which helps boost energy levels. Drinking coffee regularly can help counteract depression. Coffee stimulates the central nervous system and increases the production of dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline, important neurotransmitters that elevate the mood, thus preventing depression. Coffee also contains certain compounds which have been proved to prevent certain types of cancer such as breast cancer liver cancer colon cancer and rectal cancer.
Coffee is a beverage prepare from roasted coffee beans, which are obtained from the Coffea plant. Coffee has two main species: Arabica and Robusta. Robusta coffee packs 50% more caffeine, and a sharp bitter flavor. This is one reason why Arabica coffee is the more desirable of the two, as it possesses a smoother taste and enjoyable flavor characteristics.
Nutritional Value of Coffee
A regular cup of coffee contains around 2.4 calories, and absolutely no fat and sugar. Coffee contains a number of micronutrients such as potassium, magnesium and niacin. The type of water used in preparation of coffee can often influence its micronutrient content, and this is especially true for black coffee.
Nutritional facts Per 100 Grams
49 mg Sodium
2 mg Potassium
0.1 g Protein
Health Benefits of Coffee
Mentioned below are the best health benefits of Coffee
Boosts energy levels
Coffee contains extremely high amounts of a compound called caffeine, which is the most widely consumed psychoactive compound in the world. When you consume coffee, the caffeine is absorbed into the bloodstream. Once in the brain, caffeine blocks an inhibitory neurotransmitter called Adenosine. When that happens, the amount of other neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and dopamine actually increases, leading to enhanced firing of neurons. This leads to improved energy levels, mood, reaction times, and overall cognitive function.
Can aid in weight loss
Coffee has numerous health benefits, and helping with weight loss is one of them. There is a reason caffeine is found in almost every fat burning supplement. Caffeine is one of the very few natural substances that aid weight loss efforts. Caffeine can boost the body’s metabolic rate by around 10%, thus helping the body burn fat faster.
Improves physical performance
Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, causing it to send signals to the fat cells to break down body fat. Additionally, caffeine also increases adrenaline levels in the body. Adrenaline is the ‘fight or flight’ hormone, which, when released, readies the body for physical exertion. When this happens, fatty acids are released from the fat tissues, thus making them available as furl. So, it is advisable to drink coffee before activities that require physical exertion.
Coffee can lower risk of diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is currently a huge problem which affects millions of people all over the globe. Diabetes is characterized by elevated blood sugars in the context of insulin resistance or an inability to secrete insulin. Studies have shown that people who drink coffee on a daily basis have a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Prevents onset of diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s are two very common neurodegenerative diseases that affect older people, and are still incurable. Studies have proved that drinking coffee regularly can reduce the risk of developing these diseases. This is because the caffeine in coffee helps keep the brain functioning well and keeps cognitive functioning at the maximum level.
Is very beneficial for the liver
The liver is one of the most vital organs of the body, and keeping it in top shape is very important. Regular consumption of coffee has been proved to help prevent disease such as liver cancer, fatty liver disease, alcoholic cirrhosis and hepatitis. People who drink 4 or more cups of black coffee everyday have 80 per cent lower chances of developing any liver disease. Coffee helps by lowering the level of harmful liver enzymes in the blood.
Helps cleanse the stomach
Coffee is a diuretic beverage, which means that it increases urine output and frequency of urination. Regular consumption of coffee ensures that the toxins and bacteria in your system are easily and quickly flushed out in the form of urine. This helps cleanse the stomach and keep it free from infections.
Reduces depression
Too much work pressure and tension can lead to depression and stress which in turn can cause many serious health issues. Drinking coffee regularly can help counteract depression. Coffee stimulates the central nervous system and increases the production of dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline, important neurotransmitters that elevate the mood, thus preventing depression.
Reduces risk of cancer
Coffee contains certain compounds which have been proved to prevent certain types of cancer such as breast cancer liver cancer colon cancer and rectal cancer. The main reason behind this is that coffee is extremely rich in anti-inflammatory compounds. These anti-inflammatory compounds help prevent tumors, thus protecting against cancer.
Prevents gout
Research has shown that regular consumption of coffee can reduce the risk of developing diseases such as gout. The powerful antioxidants present in coffee reduces the risk of developing gout by decreasing the level of insulin and uric acid in the body. Even in people who are already suffering from gout, drinking coffee can help alleviates its symptoms.
Uses of Coffee
The most common use of drinking coffee is to help relieve physical and mental fatigue, and to increase mental alertness. Most of us swear by a cup or two of coffee every day in the mornings. Coffee contains caffeine in very high amounts, and caffeine has the capability to increase alertness and boost mental clear thinking. Additionally, coffee can be used to prevent diseases such as Parkinson’s, gastrointestinal cancer, Type 2 diabetes, breast cancer and lung cancer.
Side-Effects & Allergies of Coffee
Coffee contains high amounts of caffeine, as a result of which it can cause side effects such as insomnia, nervousness and restlessness, stomach upset, nausea, vomiting, and increases heart rate. Consuming large amounts of coffee might also cause headache, anxiety, agitation, ringing in the ears, and palpitations. Additionally, drinking coffee on an empty stomach can be harmful, because coffee stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid, which is an acid that should only be produced when meals need to be digested. If your body has to make HCL more often in response to regular cups of coffee, it may have difficulty producing enough to deal with a large meal.
Cultivation of Coffee
The Coffea plant is native to tropical Africa and Madagascar, and the modern version of roasted coffee has its origins in Arabia. During the 13th century, coffee was extremely popular with the Muslim community for its stimulant powers, which proved useful during long prayer sessions. In 1616, the Dutch founded the first European-owned coffee estate in Sri Lanka, then Ceylon, then Java in 1696. The French began growing coffee in the Caribbean, followed by the Spanish in Central America and the Portuguese in Brazil. European coffee houses sprang up in Italy and later France, where they reached a new level of popularity. Soon after, coffee plants reached the US, and by the late 1800s, coffee had become a worldwide community. The coffee plant needs ample rainfall to grow, and its temperature requirements vary depending on its type. Coffee crops grow very well in higher altitudes, but they are very vulnerable to frost. Coffee plants can grow on a wide range of soils, but sandy loam soil is ideal for its cultivation.
source: lybrate.com
يحب عشاق القهوة القهوة العربية لطعمها المميز ونكهتها الرائعة ويفضل البعض تناول التمر بجانبها للاستمتاع، فيعرف الجميع القهوة العربية وقد انتشرت في مختلف بلدان العالم في أوروبا، وفي الشرق الأوسط، وفي تركيا وبريطانيا، وأصبحت جزءاً من التقاليد الراسخة عند العرب وإكرام الضيف، لذا في هذا المقال إن كنت من عاشقي القهوة فتعرف على فوائد القهوة العربية و أضرارها غير الصحية على الجسم.
كيف تصنع القهوة العربية ؟
استخدم اليمنيون بذور البن المحمصة في علاج الأمراض، وكان هذا أول استخدام لها عند العرب كما ذكر في كتاب بن الرازي، بعدها تم شربها واستخدامها كمشروب رسمي ولذيذ وأضيف إليها حبوب الهيل (المعروف بالحبهان )، ولا يضاف إليها السكر لتكتسب القهوة العربية الطعم المر الذي يميزها والطعم الحاد المشتهرة به.
القيمة الغذائية في القهوة العربية
كلما زادت عملية التحميص كلما زادت حدة النكهة والطعم، هذا إلى جانب أنها تحتوي على الهيل – الحبهان المفيد للجسم، ففي حبوب البن مواد صحية ومواد مضادة للأكسدة، مهمة لصحة الجسم، مما يحمي من الإصابة بالأمراض.
فوائد القهوة للرجال في زيادة التستوستيرون.. وتحسين الأداء الرياضي تفاحه أم كوب من القهوة … ليساعدك على التركيز ؟ هل القهوة تثبت الوزن ؟ وماتأثير القهوة على حرق السعرات الحرارية؟
استهلاك القهوة بانتظام يخفض من خطر الإصابة بسرطان الجلد فوائد القهوة العربية للقهوة العربية المستخلصة من حبوب البن المطحونة عدة مميزات من أهمها التالي: تساعد القهوة على تنشيط الجهاز العصبي، وتنشيط العمليات العقلية للدماغ مثل الانتباه والتركيز.
تساعد على فقدان الشهية والتخلص من الشراهة.
تساعد على التخلص من النوم والنعاس .
تساعد على توازن نسبة السكري في الدم، فالقهوة المرة تساعد على تقليل نسبة السكري المرتفعة في الدم، مما يرفع من معدلات الأنسولين في الجسم.
تساعد على الوقاية من أمراض السرطان، وهذا لاحتوائها على مواد مضادة للأكسدة.
تساعد على التقليل من إنزيمات الكبد والحماية من مرض سرطان الكبد.
تساعد على تقوية جهاز المناعة. تساعد على الحماية من النوبات القلبية، وهذا لأنها تساهم في حرق الدهون الموجودة على الشرايين.
تساعد على الحماية من السكتة الدماغية لها تأثير صحي على مرضى الشلل الرعاش الباركنسون.
تساعد القهوة العربية على إدرار البول.
أضرار شرب القهوة العربية
بعض الأشخاص يريدون الاستيقاظ والانتباه وأن يكون ذهنهم حاضراً طوال الوقت، لا تمر ساعة واحدة من دون طلب فنجان قهوة أو القيام بتحضيره، فهل هذا يؤثر على الصحة؟ بالطبع نعم فالتناول المفرط في القهوة هو أمر يجب التوقف عنه لما له من آثار جانبية ضارة، وهي: تسبب الأرق وصعوبات في النوم.
تسبب سرعة في ضربات القلب.
تسبب التشوهات الخلقية للجنين، عندما تتناول الأم الحامل القهوة بكثرة.
تقلل من قدرة امتصاص الجسم للحديد.
تسبب تهيج القولون.
التناول المفرط لها يسبب ارتفاع الكوليسترول الضار في الدم، مما يؤدي إلى الإصابة بالنوبات القلبية.
تسبب الشد العصبي وكثرة التوتر والعصبية الزائدة.
في الأيام العادية قد لا تستطيع القيام بمهامك أو الشعور بصداع عند الانتباه الزائد دون شرب قهوة، ويشكل هذا خطراً على حياتك.
تسبب زيادة في حرقة وحموضة المعدة. تشير بعض الدراسات إلى أن التناول المفرط في القهوة يسبب ضعف الخصوبة والعقم.
موانع شرب القهوة
هؤلاء الأشخاص ممنوعون من تناول القهوة، وهم:
مرضى القلب.
مرضى ارتفاع ضغط الدم.
المصدر: موقع كل يوم معلومة طبية