QSE in partnership deal with Ooredoo Ride of Champions
انطلاق تحدي بورصة قطر للشركات خلال «جولة ooredoo»
DOHA: Qatar Stock Exchange (QSE) has partnered with the Ooredoo Ride of Champions to launch the QSE Corporate Challenge, to promote healthy living within the community.
The deal was announced during a press briefing yesterday at QSE’s headquarters, at which both parties signed a partnership agreement.
The Ooredoo Ride of Champions is the biggest mass-participation cycling event in Qatar and the pinnacle of the community events organized by Qatar Cyclists, as it offers rides that suits all ages and experience levels. More than 1500 participants are expected to take part in this year’s event which will be hosted by Qatar Foundation on March 15, 2019.
This partnership agreement is the first of its kind in Qatar and will see QSE offering prizes to its most active companies during the Ride of Champions.
The QSE Corporate Challenge Health Champion Award will be presented to the company who encourages the most members of its staff and their families to participate in the event at any distance, whether it be kids, family ride (on closed roads in QF), or open road short (48km), medium (78km) and long (137.5km) events.
While, the QSE Corporate Challenge Speed Champions Award will be presented to the company which has the fastest adult team, which will be calculated by determining the QSE listed company with the fastest average speed for its 4 fastest riders over any of the open road distances (48km), medium (78km) and long (137.5km) events.
Rashid Bin Ali Al Mansoori, CEO of QSE commented: “We are proud to be signing this partnership agreement which will allow QSE to play a pivotal role in an event that encourages members of our community to practice sports and lead healthy lifestyles. At QSE, we are not only committed to the financial health of our listed companies, but also to their social and physical health. This year we will only open the challenge for listed companies, but we are planning to extend this in the future and open the challenge to all companies in Qatar.” The QSE Corporate Challenge Awards will be presented the week after the Ooredoo ride of champions and will include a trophy for the company that will be displayed at its offices, while they will also be recognised on the trading floor at the QSE offices for the year.
Dr Abulazziz Al Kuwari, President of Qatar Cyclists, said: “We are glad to have QSE as an official sponsor for the Ooredoo ride of champions. Their unique initiative will help promote cycling among the employees of their listed-companies, and that’s one of our main targets at Qatar Cyclists. It’s a partnership that will lead to great results in the future.” Participants eligible to join the QSE Corporate Challenge will need to register to take part in the Ooredoo Ride of Champions, and if they are already registered but haven’t listed their company, they will be able to inform the organisers at registration or can also do that before the event by sending an email to info@rocdoha.com.
Participants eligible to join the QSE Corporate Challenge will need to register to take part in the Ooredoo Ride of Champions via the link (Rocdoha.qa/registration), and If they are already registered but haven’t listed their company, they will be able to inform the organisers at registration or can also do that before the event by sending an email to info@rocdoha.com.
Ali M Al Kuwari, Managing Director Ooredoo Ride of Champions said that “We are glad to see the rapid growth made by the Ooredoo Ride of Champions this year thanks to the help of our sponsors. QSE is setting an example to all companies in Qatar on how to use community events to promote sports and active lifestyles.
Other official partners and supporters of the Ride of Champions include Al Fardan Group, Dolphin Energy, Qatar national Tourism Council, Turkish Airlines, Ministry of Culture and Sports, Qatar Cycling Federation, Garmin Lingawi and Rayyan Water.
وقعت بورصة قطر، أمس، اتفاق شراكة مع النسخة الثالثة لجولة الأبطال للدراجات الهوائية «جولة ooredoo»، حيث ستطلق من خلالها «تحدي بورصة قطر للشركات»؛ الذي يهدف إلى تشجيع أفراد المجتمع على ممارسة الرياضة واتباع أسلوب حياة صحي، من خلال المشاركة في الفعالية المقررة 15 مارس.
وقال راشد بن علي المنصوري، الرئيس التنفيذي لبورصة قطر: «فخورون بتوقيع الشراكة التي ستمنح بورصة قطر فرصة لعب دور محوري في حدث يشجع المجتمع القطري على ممارسة الرياضة».
وتعتبر هذه الشراكة الأولى من نوعها في قطر، حيث ستشهد منح بورصة قطر جوائز للشركات الأكثر نشاطاً خلال جولة الأبطال هذا العام
وقال الدكتور عبدالعزيز الكواري، رئيس مركز دراجي قطر: «سعداء بأن تكون بورصة قطر راعياً رسمياً للجولة، فهذه المبادرة الفريدة ستساهم في الترويج لرياضة الدراجات بين الموظفين في الشركات المدرجة في البورصة، وهو هدف يتماشى مع رؤية مركز دراجي قطر».
من جهته، قال علي الكواري، المدير العام لجولة الأبطال: «التطور الكبير الذي شهدته جولة الأبطال هذا العام يشعرنا بالفخر، ودعم الرعاة الرسميين ساهم بشكل كبير في تحقيق ذلك. بورصة قطر تقدم مثالاً رائعاً للشركات المحلية حول كيفية الاستفادة من الأحداث المجتمعية للترويج للرياضة».