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Second DJWE Forum draws broader Qatari and international participation

إقبال كبير على معرض الدوحة للمجوهرات والساعات في يومه الثاني

The second Doha Jewellery and Watches Exhibition (DJWE) Forum at the Marriot Marquis City Center on Thursday brought together international jewellery and watch designers, leading experts, as well as local and international influencers.

The event featured an exciting programme of seminars curated by acclaimed brands and international watches and jewellery experts and Qatar-based academics.

Hosted and moderated by Qatari designer and artist Fahad Al Obaidly, this year’s Forum offered 100 guests an insider perspective with sessions on watch collecting, natural pearls, the history of jewellery in Qatar,the influence of Indian designs, and a session with Alex Popov, Chairman of the World Diamond Museum.

Ahmed Al Obaidly, Qatar National Tourism Council official commented: “Since its launch, the Doha Jewellery and Watches Exhibition has been keen to develop events that enhance the status of the exhibition and its prestigious position within the international calendar of jewellery and watches.”

“On the learning side and the exchange of experiences among different pioneers, DJWE has highlighted the country’s outstanding talent and the history of the pearl and jewellery industry in Qatar, as well as inspiring success stories both locally and internationally. We are thrilled to have hosted this outstanding elite group of speakers from Qatar and from across the world, and look forward to providing more in the coming years,” added Al Obaidly.

Representing the new generation of regional emerging jewellery designers in a special session, “Young Jewellery Designers”, Qatari designer Nada Al Sulaiti (Hairaat Fine Jewellery); Iraq designer, Rima Mardan (Rima Mardan Fine Jewellery) and Dima Nawbar (Atelier Nawbar) from Lebanon revealed the fascinating stories behind the pieces they create, and where they draw their inspiration from.

One of the key sessions in the Forum was the history of jewellery making in Qatar with a presentation by Dr. Jochen Sokoly, Professor of Islamic Arts and Civilization, and Dr. Najla Ismail, expert in Qatari jewelry at the Qatar National Museum. They shared their vision and specialized knowledge of art and architecture of the Islamic world.

Aisha Alfardan, prominent Qatari businesswoman and 24th on the Forbes list of the 50 Top Businesswomen in the Arab World, shared fascinating details about her family’s collection of pearls – one of the largest private collections of natural pearls in the world.

Alex Popov, Chairman of the Board of the World Diamond Museum, spoke about the collections of diamonds and diamond jewellery, including famous stones housed at The World Diamond Museum in Moscow, and their deep history and significance. Popov also spoke about the similar heritage shared by Qatar and Russia. In June 2018, the World Diamond Museum hosted the highly acclaimed exhibition, Qatar Pearls: Treasures from the Seas and the Rivers, as part of the Qatar-Russia Year of Culture.

Offering an international perspective on the successful preservation of craftmanship, From Jaipur to the World, Tarang Arora, Creative Director and CEO of Amrapali Jewels, shared the journey of Amrapali Museum of Jewellery in Jaipur, India.

Robert Punkenhofer, founder of the hybrid agency ART&IDEA, spoke on the legacy and craftsmanship of the Austrian luxury watch brand Carl Suchy&Söhne. Punkerhofer, who successfully revived the 196-year old brand in 2016, adviced up-and-coming independent niche brands to focus on outstanding handcraft and daring creativity.

Geoffroy Ader, Artcurial’s international expert on modern and vintage watches, gave attendees insights into the star brands and models which drive the current vintage watch market. He spoke on how collectors perceive the value of watches, and the “nicknames”that are given to timepieces. Members of the Qatar Watch Club shared their passion for watch collecting, and encouraged watch collectors to expand their knowledge.

شهد اليوم الثاني من النسخة السادسة عشرة من “معرض الدوحة للمجوهرات والساعات”، الذي يعقد في مركز الدوحة للمعارض والمؤتمرات بمشاركة أكثر من 500 علامة تجارية عالمية متخصصة في صناعة اللؤلؤ والساعات والمجوهرات إقبالا كبيراً.

والمعرض من تنظيم المجلس الوطني للسياحة بالتعاون مع شركة أوديتوار، ويعدّ أحد أكبر المعارض الفاخرة في المنطقة وأسرعها نمواً.

ويوفر “معرض الدوحة” منصّة تواصل بين الجمهور والعلامات التجارية والمصممين، كما يتيح الفرصة للمصممين القطريين في التواصل مع نظرائهم العالميين وتبادل المعرفة والاستفادة من الخبرات المتعددة في مجالات صناعة اللؤلؤ والساعات والمجوهرات.

وينظم المعرض مجموعة من ورش العمل المجانية للجمهور للتدرب على مهارات صناعة المجوهرات، بالإضافة إلى المحادثات اليومية لمجلس المعرض، حيث يلتقي خبراء الصناعة من مختلف دول العالم لبحث مستقبل صناعة المجوهرات، وسيقوم نادي قطر للساعات، بالتعاون مع النادي التركي للساعات بتنظيم عروض تقديمية يومية في تمام الساعة السادسة مساءً في جناح “المجلس”.

كما عادت هذا العام مبادرة المصممين القطريين الشباب تحت رعاية معالي رئيس مجلس الوزراء وزير الداخلية، التي ستقدّم إبداعات 12 من المصممين الشباب في جناح مخصص لعرض المواهب القطرية. وتقام النسخة السادسة عشرة من معرض قطر تحت رعاية عدد من الشركاء المحليين وهم بنك قطر الوطني، ومازيراتي للسيارات، والخطوط الجوية القطرية، وفندق شانغريلا الدوحة وميدل إيست ميديا (MPP).

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