PM opens Al Majd Road
رئيس الوزراء يدشن طريق المجد
Prime Minister and Interior Minister H E Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani inaugurated yesterday Al Majd Road which is the largest road project in the country.
The new road, part of a 195km-long road project, extends from Mesaieed to Al Khor and Lusail. Al Majd Road provides seven lanes of free-flow dual carriageway with the capacity of over 14,000 vehicles per hour in each direction reducing over 50 percent travel times. It has two dedicated lanes for trucks and five lanes for light vehicles in each side.
The road was named after Tamim Al Majd, the symbol of pride and resilience in facing the blockade imposed on Qatar. Ahmed Al Maadheed, the artist behind the iconic Tamim Al Majd portrait gifted a painting depicting Al Majd Road to the Prime Minister during the opening ceremony. The Prime Minister witnessed flag march on Al Majd Road.
The ceremony included the announcement of the completion of construction works of four new roads totalling 195 kilometre in length, including Mesaieed Road, Hamad Port Road, Al Wukair Road as well as Al Majd Road. The construction work of four new roads totalling 195km commenced in 2014.
The event was attended by the Speaker of the Shura Council, H E Ahmed bin Abdullah bin Zaid Al Mahmoud; Minister of Transport and Communications H E Jassim bin Saif Al Sulaiti; Minister of Finance H E Ali Shareef Al Emadi; Minister of Municipality and Environment H E Eng. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz bin Turki Al Subaie; President of the Public Works Authority (Ashghal), Dr. Saad bin Ahmed Al Mohannadi a number of diplomats and other senior officials.
The previous two lanes in each direction Truck Route was upgraded to seven lanes in each direction comprising a dedicated two lane truck route and five lanes for light vehicles. The median along the full stretch of the project’s highway serves as provision for a future road expansion to a possible nine lanes or a potential railway track.
H E the Minister of Transport and Communications, while speaking to the media person of the sidelines of the event, expressed that the inauguration of Al Majd Road will be a major contributor to the country’s transport infrastructure and will lead to a boom in the internal and external trade.
It will allow free flow movement of goods and people across key access and trade points in Qatar. Al Majd Road directly connects to Hamad Port in the south and will provide efficient access to Rass Laffan and Al Ruwais Port to the north. It will also facilitate access to Hamad International Airport.
In further reference to the road’s significance, the Minister highlighted that Al Majd road serves many economic areas, such as the Industrial area, Economic zones Company (Manateq), and the Mesaieed Industrial Area. In addition, it is connected to Lusail City from one side and facilitates access to the business hubs in West Bay.
H E Minister of Finance, said that the strategic leadership allocated an adequate budget to complete this project. He added that the government is committed to providing the dedicated funds to deliver and develop various infrastructure projects especially the road network that will facilitate access to 2022 FIFA World Cup stadiums.
H E Minister of Municipality and Environment said that the inauguration of Al Majd Road has a great meaning and significance, explaining that the name of the road came after “Tamim the Glorious” the symbol of pride and resilience in facing the blockade imposed on Qatar.
He added that Al Majd Road serves many municipalities and facilitates traffic flow and access to 30 residential areas.
The President of Ashghal, said that the completion of this road on schedule, despite the unjust blockade on Qatar, proves that the country is fast progressing in delivering world-class infrastructure. He added that Al Majd Road will be the main artery of Qatar’s road network and it will facilitate access to 2022 FIFA World Cup stadiums and it has been delivered four years in advance.
“Al Majd Road forms a major part of the integrated road network being constructed by Ashghal and will serve the 2022 FIFA World Cup. It provides direct connectivity to both Al Rayyan and Lusail Stadium and facilitates access to all other stadiums namely Al Bayt Stadium in Al Khor, Al Wakra Stadium, Al Thumama Stadium, Ras Bu Abboud Stadium south, as well as Education City Stadium and Khalifa International Stadium,” said the President.
Al Majd Road is a vital arterial road that beats in the heart of Qatar. It flows from south of Qatar to north and east to serve current and future urban communities on either side of it. These communities will be hubs for economic, industrial and agricultural trade as well as contributing to the development of the modern state that is Qatar.
Al Majd Road, being the core of the road network in Qatar, will be a key component of the significant transformation of the land transport network. It will be indispensable in developing adjacent areas and creating new residential areas, which may lead to a radical change in Qatars’ demographic.
Moreover, it will foster colossal investment opportunities, enhance existing commercial activities through the provision of direct access to Qatar’s airports, sea, and land ports.
Al Majd Road is linked to Al Wukair Road, G Ring Road, Salwa Road, Al Sailiya Road, Dukhan Road, Al Rufaa Street, Al Shamal Road to Al Khor Expressway on one end and Rass Laffan on the other.
Al Majd Road serves approximately 30 residential areas such as Mesaieed, Al Wakra, Al Wukair, south of Doha including Ain Khalid, Umm Al Seneem. Also, Al Waab, Al Aziziya, Al Murra, Abu Nakhla, Mekaines, Muaither, Al Sailiya, Al Mearad.
It facilitates access to Al Wajba, Al Rayyan, Al Shahaniyah, Dukhan, Al Kheesa, Umm Slal Mohammed, Umm Slal Ali areas, all the way to Lusail and the Pearl. Moreover, it connects to areas in the north such as Al Khor, and Rass Laffan.
The opening of Al Majd Road contributes to the completion of 2022 FIFA World Cup infrastructure on time. It also provides direct access to several stadiums including Al Rayyan stadium, Al Khor stadium and Lusail stadium.
The new road facilitates access to Al Wakra stadium, Al Thumama stadium and Ras Abu Abboud Stadium as well as Qatar Foundation Stadium; Khalifa Stadium and other sports facilities and training grounds.
By Sanaullah Ataullah / The Peninsula
دشن معالي الشيخ عبدالله بن ناصر بن خليفة آل ثاني رئيس مجلس الوزراء وزير الداخلية، طريق المجد الرابط بين الطرق السريعة في مختلف أنحاء البلاد، وذلك خلال حفل أقيم صباح أمس بهذه المناسبة. وفي بداية الحفل، تم عرض فيلم وثائقي عن مراحل إنجاز «مشروع طريق المجد»، ومساهمته في خدمة البنى التحتية المختلفة للدولة.
عقب ذلك، قام معاليه بالتدشين الرسمي للطريق المنجز، وفق أحدث المعايير وأعلى المواصفات العالمية.
حضر حفل التدشين سعادة السيد أحمد بن عبدالله بن زيد آل محمود رئيس مجلس الشورى، وعدد من أصحاب السعادة الوزراء وأعضاء السلك الدبلوماسي المعتمدين لدى الدولة، ورؤساء الهيئات وكبار المسؤولين وممثلين عن الشركات المنفذة.
ويعتبر طريق المجد إضافة مهمة لشبكة الطرق في دولة قطر، والعمود الفقري للبنية التحتية، ومحوراً مرورياً مهماً يمتد طوله نحو 195 كيلومتراً، من طريق مسيعيد وصولاً لطريق راس لفان وطريق الخور السريع، ويشمل 18 تقاطعاً تربط كل الشرايين الرئيسية في البلاد، لاتصاله بطرق الوكير والدائري السابع وسلوى والسيلية ودخان، ليخدم بذلك نحو 30 منطقة سكنية بالبلاد، والعديد من المرافق الاقتصادية، وملاعب كأس العالم.;